Purple/Red stem issues - Pictures


Active Member
Small grow room, cfl ligth, soil, 24 hour ligth, little to no nutrients, tap water, a poor man's amature setup :)

From time to time i get alot of purple/red stem issues. As you can see from the pictures. I'm curious to know what the plants is trying to tell me. Sometimes its the whole plant, and other times its mostly leaf stems that get this colorisation. This time it was the whole plant, another thing i've noticed is that it have slowed down its growing. Although i suspect mostly this to be due to takeing small shoots to create clones. It's happend before alot, with other types i've grown. It usually doesnt die, but it worries me a bit every time it happens. On the paper, this should be a lebaneese pheno.


Active Member
Purple stems can be genetic depending on the strain.
if yours is not a purp strain it is most likely a nitrogen deficiency.
as for the yellow tips check your ph


Active Member
I've been thinking about giving 18/6 or 20/4. Doing a redesign of the growroom in the spring, should be able to put in a new timer into that budget. Is leebaneese a purp strain?


Active Member
i have no idea if that is a Lebanese strain or not.
and to be honest I cant tell whether a strain is a purple strain or not without the name of the strain.


Active Member
so far they look really good though, but your gonna definitely want to up your light for flowering.
you lose out on a substantial amount of quality and quantity.


Well-Known Member
actually to my personally experience, the 18/6 or 24hr photoperiod makes very little difference. 24hr grows more foliage and less root mass than 18/6.. and will cost you a bit more on your e-bill.


Is the Lebanese strain got Purple stems? If so that's kind of fitting given many Lebanese are of Phoenetician decent and they were the first people to manufacture Purple dye. Maybe it was used to water their plants!


Active Member
The batch that is ready for the 12-12 is just remnants of the bagseed strain i've been working on this last year for learning purposes. I've worked out my own technique to even out my canapee by tieing down branches in a circular spin, wich gives me a decent yeild, even under cfl.

Back to the purple plant :P The seeds came from a seedbank under the lable as a Lebaneese strain. I've tried diggin up some more info about it, but it seems the place where I got them, have upgraded their site and no longer have the same strains as before. Not that it makes any diffrence, most of the seeds i got from them either hermed or was male. (note that they were regular tho) Another detail that should be mentioned is that this plant came from a clone, whilest the original plant coming from the seed did'nt show the same purple stem during veg.
From what i can tell, its usually happening to most my cloned plantes at the stage this plant is in. After a while, it bounces back to its original green colour. Although i have noticed that i get purple/red stripes on the stems. Quite the fancy pattern when you tie it down and it twists on its own axis. :)


Well-Known Member
im right here with you, clones to veg, my stems are scarcely purple, but once ive vegged them (fox farms ocean forest) for a couple weeks, i start to see green growth..

i would like to believe its a nitrogen def...