Purple seedlings with pictures;


Well-Known Member
Hi! I posted about this problem a few days days ago but I have pictures now so hopefully it might help a bit more. These are 7 days old today. Apart from the purple they are still putting out roots and putting on new leaf growth. My temps drop no lower than 22/23 at lights off and 26 at lights on. I gave them the stated dosage (off the bottle) of canna start which as a formula for seedlings. I'm starting to think it's a Ph issue with the rockwool. I soaked for 12 hours or so in 5.5 ph so maybe I should of give them a longer soak. I'm honestly not sure. Another opinion would be great :)Thanks, Db



Well-Known Member
ta mate. hopefully they will grow out of it. over all would you say they look ok apart from the funky purple hues


Well-Known Member
ta mate. hopefully they will grow out of it. over all would you say they look ok apart from the funky purple hues
even cold temps shouldnt turn a newly hatched seedling purple so ... intrigued to see what others have to say on it.
other than that ya looks fine.


Well-Known Member
defo not feeding them until next week. its a haze so i dont think they need anything at this point from what ive read.


Well-Known Member
I think i had heard something about P deficiency. The cold temperature can cause a lockout of P which is why it turns the plant purple. They are young, but they are in rockwool so i suppose a deficiency could happen.


Well-Known Member
I think i had heard something about P deficiency. The cold temperature can cause a lockout of P which is why it turns the plant purple. They are young, but they are in rockwool so i suppose a deficiency could happen.

yeh. i dont think im going to use it next time. had trouble with it on my last grow.


Well-Known Member
I think i had heard something about P deficiency. The cold temperature can cause a lockout of P which is why it turns the plant purple. They are young, but they are in rockwool so i suppose a deficiency could happen.
Growing in soil for the years that i have.. i have never known a 7 day old plant even need the amount of nutrients that would cause defiancy's this young in the life cycle.
Whats the deal with rockwool then?


Well-Known Member
Growing in soil for the years that i have.. i have never known a 7 day old plant even need the amount of nutrients that would cause defiancy's this young in the life cycle.
Whats the deal with rockwool then?
I don't think rockwool has alot of nutrients..


Well-Known Member
you cant take em out now. all is that happens next is the whole block then goes into a pot of clay pebbles with a dripper.


Well-Known Member
I'm a soil guy so I'm not super knowledgeable with this stuff, but i think that you are supposed to soak the rockwool cubes in a light nutrient solution.