Purple^Stars first Grow Journal:::::::::::::

hey ther prup..ur grow is looking good...but for 46 days they look a lil small...now im not knocking ur plants or anything..i just been looking at all the autoflowers that are going on..and they should be alil bigger..i think it due to ur light being to far away IMO..light breaks down alot after 3ft on a 400watt.and u do have a cooltube..i can get my 400watt pretty close and i dont have a cool tube..u need to use it to ur benfit.. ...i just put my auto ak x hindu kush in some water..and off we go!!!!! anyways good luck hope i didnt rub u wrong...

yeah i know but im still learning so its all good. and i feel like im haveing problems where my temps arnt stable and shit like that cuase the oscilatifan that i have in my tent is breaking.

Thanks though
looks bomb will be better when it drys for sure tho...and new seeds noice man cant wait for your next grow journal..will be pullin up a bed for that one :O get it not a chair hhaahha fuckit...lol keep it up man , later

haha thats hella funny i wish i smoked earlier with dank to try out the bud but i want to wait i havent smoked in probly a week lol:blsmoke:.
What are you waiting for...you should cure that bud you just got more tho it will be the shizniz lmfao im giong to bed my plants are looking alot better now that i took 4 of the 9 lights out of the box temp went down too. Well im off for the night talk to u tmrw probly keep up the good work tho your plants are lookin badass.
dont know my temps no money for that tool yet :P no ventilation at all..lol cant cut into this box only vents when i opean the doors. ther is 1 fan in there that blows at the plants and lights i updated my journal with a pic so u can see
i figure i can lay in bed and be on the computer at the same time so fuckit not going to SLEEP but going to bed lol

but yes if u have any seeds ill take them off your hands
:P ill even pay shipping..
hey prup...did u kill the males yet?? if not u should do a seed run

yeah i killed my 2 malesnowryder that i had but I was able to polinate some of the pistil sacks and i can already see a few seeds forming on my snowryder on hte stem on onewhole little bud thats forming will have seeds.
lol i think i already over watered them any ways..lol i have 6 more bagseeds in water right now wating to crack...will have alot more plants soon i hope hahahha this sux i wish i could cut a fuckin hole in this god damn box it makes me so mad that i have nowhere els to grow
:sleep:yeah me too im growing to help my gf out. Hopefully she will get her gcard soon but i dont know how long it takes..she just needs some personal for right now so im trying to just get some small plants going get like an eighth or so off each.. I think it will work out if i play my cards right. Cant keep eyes open so im going to close them now lmfao:eyesmoke::sleep:
:sleep:yeah me too im growing to help my gf out. Hopefully she will get her gcard soon but i dont know how long it takes..she just needs some personal for right now so im trying to just get some small plants going get like an eighth or so off each.. I think it will work out if i play my cards right. Cant keep eyes open so im going to close them now lmfao:eyesmoke::sleep:

YEah thats very careing of you:eyesmoke: alright man im out later:sleep:.
I Think it might be grand daddy purp but idk for sure thought it has a few purple spots to it what do you guys think. Its still really too moist some ima let it dry before i smoke any danky dank allready tried just now.

ok i put the buds in a jar with an air tight seal and ill open in it 5 times a day for 5 to 10 minutes, from what i read thats what your supposed to do when cureing is that right?
Nice seeds man.

I doubt thats granddaddy purple, that purple looks like its because of the cold. But still looks good.