Purple starting in smaller stems


OK guys I need help ! I am growing out side in pot with fox farm ocean soil. Everything has been going great so far until now 2ND week of flower starting to notice some purple running through smaller stems were bud forms. Now I am not a great grower by any far means but I believe it's a Mag issue so I feed it more can Mag plus thought I nipped it in the but but I still see signs of purpling. The strain is alien og. Help please thanks pictures coming



Well-Known Member
Your plant looks super duper healthy. Only thing I'd say is it looks like it may need a bigger pot before it begins to flower. Looks a bit big for it's current container.


Well-Known Member
Some strains will show some purple when they flower, if.it's just some purple streaking in.the stems and no other signs of a deficiency then.I.would say your good hommie


Well-Known Member
that plant looks fantastic, very healthy. i have a strain that has purple stripes on the fan leave stalks no matter how i play with ph or add cal/mag. looking good.


OK thanks guys and I always wondered about pot size . I transplanted her 3 times and let it go in this pot but did not think it would get this huge. I have to remember this is outdoors it does what it wants. Also guys how long do you think I have to go living in Midwest and I am starting to get nervous with this tree . Both my next door neighbors are cool but all it takes is a cop to walk in my yard and I am fucked .almost cut it down other day cause I was smoking getting all paranoid and shit .


Well-Known Member
you could dig a hole and drop that whole plant 2-3ft lower, also help to keep the roots cool. you could keep it in the same pot in case you need to move it.


You might have something there about digging a hole so it's not 7 foot tall lol. I have it on wheels to follow sun around pots huge would have to be a big hole and I need a spot with good sun