Purple Stem when coming out soil!


Active Member

Hey guys! I woke up today to see my stem a PURPLish color! I'm unsure if this is healthy or not! What do you say to these pics!
I have seen my friends plant the he planted a few days ago and his stem is green.
Is this normal to have, Or did I over feed with water, Or am I giving it to much light?
Please help.


What soil? Looks like nitrogen defficiency. Maybe add 1/4 strength veg fert, which should contain nitrogen. Also, very important, check the ph of your solution before watering plants. I have found my ph to be in the area of 4 just after mixing nutes, then adding bout 5-10 ml of ph up to the solution, to avoid lock out. Check your soil ph too. Hope this helps.


Btw, no such thing as toomuch light! Too much heat, yes. But light, no. The sun is brighter than any artificial light set up. Just watch the temps and make sure th ph is between 5.5-6.5 for soils.