Purple stems only


Active Member
Hey riu! Got a white wido clone been vegging outside for ehhh let's say 2 months? She has really bad purple stem going on? Nitrogen low or high ph level? Been using general hydroponics nutes every week on fertilize Friday lol


Well-Known Member
Hey, this can happen due to a few different reasons. Ive seen this has happened due to low Ph(acid) causing macro/micro lockout but that may not be you're cause. What type of water have you been using? ...Rain, well or tap? Have you been monitoring the Ph? Any other additives being used? All the details are needed to identify the problem.


Active Member
I've gotten purple stems on a plant before and from my experience if there are no other symptoms and the only thing going on is your stems are turning purple then you should be good.


Active Member
I'm using local organic soil from a shop down the road, no additives. I'm simply using rain water, store bought purified water, and on occasion tap water. I monitor the ph in the tab water just to always make sure it's not way out. Only testing with ph strips! Nothing ever been way out of whack? The leaves look great no nuts burn, no yellowing, a few tears in some leaves but this plant has been out door since the clone was taken. Temps here average from 68 at night to 90 during the day she seems healthy, she just started her natural flowering outside. I tried uploading a pic via my iPad and had trouble. Thanks guys


Well-Known Member
In my experience purple stems are normal in some strains,but can be caused by cold temps or PH problems.As long as the upper leafs are not turning purple then I wouldn't worry about it.