Purple tops of stems, Opinions?


Hey well this is my first time and I'm using a 400 watt Mh/hps light with a single plant waterfarm. I'm using a random bagseed.. Which could've been from a "purp" strain.

Now I'm just starting to scrog and have been lst the plant, it is about 10inches from the top of the waterfarm to my scrog net. The screen is halfway full.
I keep my temps at 75-80 during the day and 68-70 at night, tho it usually drops down to 65.

ANYWAYS, the tops of my stems are purple is and I'm wondering what could cause this. Temp stress? Training?

The plant seems pretty healthy though I think growth could be quicker and I do have a few "odd" leaves

Any input would be appreciated.



Well-Known Member
Purple stems are entirely normal for many strains. Your plants look healthy overall, so I wouldn't worry about trying to correct anything here. You'll probably get a pile of post talking about what purple stems MIGHT mean (mostly spreading misinformation that gets regurgitated all over the Internet). That's how wild goose chases start...

Carry on!