Purple widow harvest questions


Well-Known Member
I have recently cut down my lady strain is purple widow.
I just had a question to ask
I hung the buds in my closet for 3 ddays now and recentely put them into jars the bud was really fluffy so it didnt take long.
but it has a planty smell not like she did when she was growin it smelled like some good skunky.
how long if i keep them in jars will it take for the smell to go away and the skunky smell to come back>?
thanks for replies


Well-Known Member
I have 5 purple widows outside right now. Only 2 weeks old.

Do you have any pics of the buds or the plants during growth?


Well-Known Member
No pictures right now sorry u probably arnt missing nothing though.
I planted 6 seeds in april was on the 20 or somethin but i guess the didnt get enough light so they went into flowerin i only got 2 females out the batch. so their kinda small.
I still got 4 seeds ima put out tomarrow germd them yesrterday.