Some of my plants are starting to get yellow/purple dying leaves. I'm in probably my 5th week of flower. Is this bad? I know their supposed to yellow from no N but is the purple normal?
I like to see some funky fall colors on the girls in late flower. Often it is the cooler temps but I've got some looking a lot like your pic 3 that are catching big heat flowing upward from an electric oil heater. I'm not sure how to explain it but I'm not worried about it.
Everyone is correct. Night time temp swings are the cause.
You say you are in a green house. You may want to be sure your daytime/lights on temps don't go below 70 to help the finish/yield. The plant slows growth and gets far less from the bulking phase in low lights on temps. If you can supplement the night temps to stay above 55. That will help too.