Purps.GDP.lemon og.1600 watts

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yep lol somebodys gotta do it ! time to kick back burn one and enjoy the view ! 103 today suppose to cool down this weekend chance a rain coming finaly my yard looks like crap only thing green around here is in the house !
you pretty much described my yard ! lol dead dying weeds and stickers worse this yr than last ! prbly worse next yr they stick to the tires of my golfcart and i keep sreading them !
yuve talked me into a golf cart,lol,everyone out here has one.country club up the road ,have some killer McGreggars.
yea they come in handy paid 15 for mine 2001 ezgo my dad just bought a clubcar back home in La. loves it paid 1000 for his 2002 i think but yeah you'd like it i go everywhere wth it always riding the pasture checking cattle huntin coyotes !
wow just went check water in stock tanks fn hemps 10ft tall back side the corral ! didnt realize tht shit had grown tht much time to break out the big guns and mow tht shit down ! i can spray tht crap cut it every yr and it comes back wth a vengence !
yea they come in handy paid 15 for mine 2001 ezgo my dad just bought a clubcar back home in La. loves it paid 1000 for his 2002 i think but yeah you'd like it i go everywhere wth it always riding the pasture checking cattle huntin coyotes !

i love spot lighting at night,lol...firing a gun here is normal.if someone calls the cops other than a killin.they get on thier ass,lol.
lol,i heard a fully auto ak go off the other day,haha.i hava lever action rifle an 357 magnum for prtection out here.theres a few animals here that might eat yure ass up. and any unwanted visitors.
same here my closest neighbors a mile up the road we hav 160 acres deer coyote turkeys u name it coyotes always tryin to kill calves so gotta keep them in check dont know exactly how many guns i hav gf says to many think around 15 all together prbly more havnt taken inventory in awhile 1 pistol rest shotguns and various rifles different calibers im a gun freak wniter you'll find me in a tree wth usually my compound bow guns used just for predators show u some pics of the deer ive killed the last few yrs but havin trouble uploading pics this morning
8 point i killed last yr in my backyard he was drinking in the pond behind the house slid glassdoor open in the sunroom and stuck his ass 50 yard shot from the back door ! stealthcam 075.jpg
i hear ya ,i have 2 ns deer stands out in the woods.havent seen anyone ither than a buck headed for the bayou get a crack shot .
i do most of my hunting in Ks. hav 360acres farm land and creek bottom last 3 yrs i killed a 15pt a 13 and a 12pt just shot a coupla doe's off tht place last yr this yrs gonna be awesome seen some big uns last coupla time i was up cuttin alfalfa cant wait opens in september up there for bow
i been noticing some hayena lookin mongrels around.i would set out traps but i have cats,thats prob wat they want.
no doubt we lost 2 kittens outside this week a few months back one had kittens under the console of my bass boat raccon got in there killed all 4 ate 1 bit the heads off the other 3 gf didnt take tht very good we hav a pet coon in the house he's 10 yrs old handicaped she couldnt believe a raccon would do tht till i showed her the tracks on the boat ! it was brutal
no doubt we lost 2 kittens outside this week a few months back one had kittens under the console of my bass boat raccon got in there killed all 4 ate 1 bit the heads off the other 3 gf didnt take tht very good we hav a pet coon in the house he's 10 yrs old handicaped she couldnt believe a raccon would do tht till i showed her the tracks on the boat ! it was brutal

one of siamese cats came up missin 2 weex ago and i've been ona vengance for wat or who.
the one we have she raised from a baby he's 10 when he gets in a mood you dont fuck with him cuz he'll turn on you ! was up to me he'd be outside in a cage r dead by now !
coyotes dude they kill ours all the time even wth my dog they still come around the house they know she's locked up at night last yr we lost 2 litters to coyotes
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