Purps.GDP.lemon og.1600 watts

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well its been 3 weex.prob be here ina week or 2....hey i'm a real old schooler from way back growin,some shit does get under my skin.i'm jus me.
70's an 80's erryone just passed it around
lil diff now

the 3 weeks was both ways or one way
was it $$ in and pkg out
or was it just pkg out
go to log in .click details and it will show where yure at..message board wat not.cash in package out. it showed sent so its that uk mail prob holding things up brt.
ordered clockwork orange from riot seeds had a two day 40 % on them was right after restock

sent 2 of there swing kid =chemdawg d x bubba k
an a 6 pack of there ocean side purple paki=stella blue x purp ku x (sumtin i forget )
my first dealing wit riot seeds
i did not know whut i thought but the post mark was from sf cali
yea mine took 8 or 9 days from sent to change paid,we'll gettem they jus run it like a greyhound bus stop,lol..
jus details,it tells u if yure money there or not and sent... mine prob be here tomorrow or mon.i'll drive to town tomorrow jus to see.mine went out from there on the 4th in the uk which is not a holidy there.i'll let u know immmmmmediately tomorr.i've had attitudes shit stray awhile.
tsup SF?i ran them 4 weex heg, after that another 3 ft stretch avg.i'm doin them agin next run.yure lookin at 4 to 5 fters.
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