Cajun Grower
Active Member
took a sample of the BLT this morn still glued to the couch ! 

dam i picked this song and when it played it made me stary eyed for all my losses this is my sixth dog -and it is hard to say good bye
i lied it made me cry
sorry to hear you didnt find your cat man :/ . curious as to how many you have now? and do you let them outside just to cruise around or are they mostly indoor
:/ rusty probably went off to find his homie. sorry to hear that man
^^ possability vs probability
yeah we human sum are not
like those that say shit like its just a dog
they dont know nutin
sum the ice berg mauhfukas like spok from startreck
an i be watchin them cause they might not be human
nuthin wrong wth tht bro just shows ur human and love ur pets this fucked up world can use alot more people like you !i hear ya bro, i never been married or kids ,figured they were my kids.nothin changes attachment. this isnt my first loss,i can be sentimental about stuff at times i guess.
yep exact yr color cragar ss rims spittin image !word up -ill second that cg
sum pretty strange creaturs walkin around in disguise as human beings
is that whut yo ride is gona look like when finished
did ur lectric bill go up the last coupla months ? mine went from 160 to 207 the last 3 monthswell back to the grow.all utilities runnin good at night,so far so good.yu have to have a 12,000 btu ac or better or u may as well go outside here.