Purps.GDP.lemon og.1600 watts

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5 grams lemon og sticky dry.this stronger than purps,pretty strong couchlock,kickbak stone.has that west coast og taste and stone i've grown before yu never forget.

mornin rdr. mornin D. just got home took off to Ks for the weekend things not goin well between me and the woman she took off on me friday after work to missouri to vist her brother never came home are said a word till after she left fucked up shit !
i played tht shit wth my x wife not gonna do it again prbly gonna get ugly when she gets home from wrk today kinda fucked she can take off like tht after i just had surgery tues.
sorry to learn the cg
give her a couple days to think an clear head (not a good time to talk right now)
then get in touh wit her seems she did not want to talk about the problem whut ever it is
just wanted to get away -sumtimes they just want to teach you a lesson - only you two and god know whut it is
sumtme just them and god and you dont have a clue - sumtimes drastic like that its the ring

i hope things work out for you both
theres no ring involved wth this one i made tht mistake once wont do it again its just fucked the way she took off D im on crutches just hads surgery 6 days ago it right theres to much shit for me to handle on my own right now i got 2 places to take care of and they've both been neglected for 6 months my farm in kansas is falling apart rite now i dont need anymore stupid shit to deal wth
that is messed up.would the one in kansas make a good growhouse?i've had surgery before and ppl wont help yu rite in the same room.not alot of pity anymore these days.how far u from me?
oh yeah its huge 2 story 5 bedroom cold as fuck during the winter hot as hell during the summer never had central heat and air installed was built in the early 30's she comes home pissy im packing my shit up and going back up there tried to call me abt 11 lastnite shut my fone off havnt heard a word since i did txt her this morn hasnt responded yet im gonna act like nuthins wrong when she gets home 1st time she opens her moutn abt me not being here when she got home lastnite its gonna be on ! i dont play head games wth women anymore
they all want to be married even though they say other then that
even if both parties agred in beginning not to get married
i think they always assume in the end to be married

i hope things get sorted out for you
yea i've had some live the good life wen things are goin well and soon somethin comes up they jus up and leave wordless...came in today.
Mouth watering order there, Raider!!! I went and grabbed some OG, and some purple kush from a buddy after reading thru your thread the last couple days.....lol I should be throwing my OG18 into flower in another week. Can't wait to see it go bloom. Glad to hear you're feeling a little better. ATB!
and these next 8 to 10 days starting.and 2 DPD x bubba jus added,

9-east coast purple diesel
4-DPD f2 x mental floss
5- violator kush

2-bubba kush x dpd
5- magic merlin (gdp x dpd f2)
4-dpd f2 x sfv
3-double bubble doja
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