I respectfully disagree. The resistance is the same.Pulling drags more air acrossed the light more efficiently rather than pushing! it may make the fan work harder, only downside
I would say pulling the air through would be better. Only because in doing so it puts a vaccum on your glass eliminating a leak through the seal. My xxxls do leak quite a bit when pressurized I was forced to put a second strip of foam on the hood to keep it from leaking. The only real downside to pulling it thru would be slightly higher operating temps IMO.Does it really matter? There really is no proof or any study that i have seen to prove either or is better, i say do it how you like. All Equipment will fail and you should have the dough to replace any of it as soon as it does. I pull air thru my filter and push thru the hood in the same line.
So going from 6" to 4" past the hood doesn't make a venturi effect?I am a newbi in growing, only know about 20% of what I need to learn that is why im here to Learn from exp People, Soo dont take this to hard,But You guys dont no Jack Shit about eqimpment design and Air and how it moves ,let me put it this way, there is at least if not more to learn about air movement as there is in growing I have over 30 yrs HVAC design,Fab, and Istall, These are EXHAUST FANS and they are design to PULL the air ,can you push air with them Yes but you need to know how to properly SIZE the duct work to turn these fans in to WHAT is Called MAKE UP AIR , IVE Said this many times here AIR DOES NOT MOVE LIKE WATER, You need to Know Equal Friction Method and or Velocity- Reduction Method to properly Move AIR.
And dickhead would be who?wanted to give my two cents (mainly to disprove dickhead)...agree with you Joe, i use outside air to cool my lights and my main reason to pull the air, was to keep the fan noise as far away from the outside as possible. As to the temperature of the air, if you use outside air like me, its a non issue. In my opinion, if you use the proper fans and keep ducting smooth, the air moves through them so quickly that they dont have a chance to get extremely hot.