Per 4x5 Area, we definitely had some light overlap on the 4x20 rows with 4 1000s per row. Also not sog but we were pulling 10-22 per bed so average a little over ~3.5 per 1000 I think. Running a huge yielding blue dream, but 3 lbs off a 1k with strain and system locked in is not super hard to do...
I usually pull 2-2.4 off my 600s. I'm sure I've posted pics off some of the houses/rooms I've run since I've been on this forum. I'll try to find pics of the 12x12 bed I was running with 3 X 600s on light movers we got over 10 lbs from. Im pretty sure most people don't do it but 10 lbs off 1800 watts is pretty sweet too. Not a practical way to run a room, but a fun experiment.
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