Put on a Headband and take a seat! CaL's HB grow journal...


Well-Known Member
There isn't going to much bollox after week 4 (but thats when they start opening up properly) Once snipped the old site doesn't grow a nanner back.


Active Member
There isn't going to much bollox after week 4 (but thats when they start opening up properly) Once snipped the old site doesn't grow a nanner back.
Guess ur right, cuz now ther aint many new baLLs growing...gotta remember to save a few :-P It's time to chop down one Bubblegum today, I don't want to...it's so boring :o the other 2 left has few more days to go...I'm thinking this extended flowering period (compared to previous grows) is due to the fact the HPS bulbs were getting old.

Today I replanted the 6 clones I selected and gave away the other 3 ( they weren't looking bad at all, but ofc I try to select the best ones for meself ;)). The first clone I took is also replanted so now I have 7 healthy looking HB clones in veg and another 5 rooting. Katjie is vegging in the window since bout a week and she is HUGE lulz! Heather is in flower as you guys know and the flowers are starting to form. Pics soon!

Time to chop chop!

//peace, Pc


Active Member
I'm excited to see them. Good luck with the harvest. Hope you are feeling better too.
In few minutes there will be an update ;) Been to the doctor today. He said that if it hasn't gotten any better in another 4 weeks, then he's gonna pop my eardrum and empty the shizz, but that's last resort as it can get infectious after popping the eardrum...



Active Member
Here are all ladies grouped up. This is not how they are set up under the lights, I mearly put them like this to get them all in one pic ;) I do move the vegging plants to this area when the lights are on then they are moved back under CFL and fluoros when lights go off in 12/12. Only doing this to save electricity...I don't like paying for "stuff" I don't need. If the sun were shining they would be on the balcony on in the window.

Katjie on the left and Heather on the right. Heather has been topped that's why she's shorter even though she's in 12/12. Katjie showing signs of a N def comin up so it's time to start feeding her nutes. Also I "up potted" Heather right after this pic. What I mean by that is that I popped the whole plant from its pot, filled up a layer of fresh soil in the bottom (2-3inch), put her back and put a layer of fresh soil on top too. As one waters the plant the soil gets more and more compact, so after bout a month the top has sunken 1-3 inches, then u can "up pot" the plant rather than replanting it. 3 gallon pots are big nuf for plants up to bout 3 feet. Root structure lloking nothing but 100% ;)

Here are the clones from Katjie. The one on the left has bout 7-9 days on the other clones. Transplanted them all yesterday to bigger homes + hot soil.

The 5 clones from Heather, still no visible roots, just took them out from their humidity dome for a photo shoot :-P

Now I have some watering and plant maintenance to do...catch ya'll later!



Active Member
Nice update Cal. Hope your illness is getting better, sounds a bad one!
Doubble thx! I'm feeling all good, but I almost hear nothing. To describe how it feels: put yer index fingers in ya ears, that's how it has been for 10 days now...T_T

The HB's respond very well to cloning and topping...no signs of stress! Heathers flowers are looking nice but I can't find any baLLs...guess I snipped them all.

I will do 1 more round of cloning offa Katjie and select a new mother...Katjie is geting too big LOL! Gonna be fun to flower a monster :mrgreen: I'm just affraid I can't fit her on te height all way thru flower, top it in veg maybe?!


Well-Known Member
Doubble thx! I'm feeling all good, but I almost hear nothing. To describe how it feels: put yer index fingers in ya ears, that's how it has been for 10 days now...T_T

The HB's respond very well to cloning and topping...no signs of stress! Heathers flowers are looking nice but I can't find any baLLs...guess I snipped them all.

I will do 1 more round of cloning offa Katjie and select a new mother...Katjie is geting too big LOL! Gonna be fun to flower a monster :mrgreen: I'm just affraid I can't fit her on te height all way thru flower, top it in veg maybe?!
When my girls are getting too high, I just snap them over...technicaly called Super Cropping. If you want any more info let me know. Then you'll get main colas growing from your snapped over branch...or just tie it down LST style, which is also what I do (depends on how fat the branch is)

Alternatively, you could repot her down. So take her out of the pot, select a much smaller pot then cut back on the roots and then repot into smaller pot. This is like creating a bonsai Mom, these are effectively the best ways to run Mums I believe. 1BMM threw up a post in the 600 Thread about it, nice link to a good tuturial on creating a Mum) Remind me and I will look it out for ya.

Peace, DST


Active Member
When my girls are getting too high, I just snap them over...technicaly called Super Cropping. If you want any more info let me know. Then you'll get main colas growing from your snapped over branch...or just tie it down LST style, which is also what I do (depends on how fat the branch is)

Alternatively, you could repot her down. So take her out of the pot, select a much smaller pot then cut back on the roots and then repot into smaller pot. This is like creating a bonsai Mom, these are effectively the best ways to run Mums I believe. 1BMM threw up a post in the 600 Thread about it, nice link to a good tuturial on creating a Mum) Remind me and I will look it out for ya.

Peace, DST
If Ima LST her I need to top it and LST shoots cuz stem is way too fat. Maybe I should do as I did to the NL. Topped then LST'd to a cage and finally supercropped...but that was for flower. Well if I do as I said earlier, do 1 more round of clones offa her then flower, I can do as I did to the NL. Im also temted to top and put a 80 site net and scrog her...I'm so indecisive


Active Member
She looks lovely Pang mate, urll soon have a cylax appartment block or ten in a few weeks.
Hehe shame I can't charge rent ;)

Just been checking up on Heather and there are no more baLLs growing BUT I have been plucking "bananas" offa few sites...I bet they are bad, I honestly don't know but I think I read somewhere in the forums bout "banana nanners"? They are bit more tricky to spot, not situated at the "baLL sites" but one "apartment" above + in early stages masks as white hairs...grrrr..HAHAH!!! Her flowers have really started developing, frosting up and w a characteristic aroma...I would describe is a pungeant-1 week old-gym bag!!! Hehe...still a nice smell, this is gonna be some sick sh*t!

The clones are doing awesome in the window and now finally the 5 Heather clones have roots...I'm guessing the thicker stalk the longer rooting time? Soon I dont know where to put all plants...I only have 1 window left LULZ! Atm 16 plants in CaL's garden of weeden, 15 in an hour or so :hump:


Well-Known Member
Hehe shame I can't charge rent ;)

Just been checking up on Heather and there are no more baLLs growing BUT I have been plucking "bananas" offa few sites...I bet they are bad, I honestly don't know but I think I read somewhere in the forums bout "banana nanners"? They are bit more tricky to spot, not situated at the "baLL sites" but one "apartment" above + in early stages masks as white hairs...grrrr..HAHAH!!! Her flowers have really started developing, frosting up and w a characteristic aroma...I would describe is a pungeant-1 week old-gym bag!!! Hehe...still a nice smell, this is gonna be some sick sh*t!

The clones are doing awesome in the window and now finally the 5 Heather clones have roots...I'm guessing the thicker stalk the longer rooting time? Soon I dont know where to put all plants...I only have 1 window left LULZ! Atm 16 plants in CaL's garden of weeden, 15 in an hour or so :hump:
Much easier to clone with soft shoot growth for sure. Sounds busy up there in Cal's garden. You been watching the football Cal?


Active Member
Much easier to clone with soft shoot growth for sure. Sounds busy up there in Cal's garden. You been watching the football Cal?
Sure is busy as hell, but I'm loving it ;) Today I'm happy! My "summerplant" (the 1 to last me the summer ;)) is a really really sweet Bubblegum w a kick azz high! Buds are rock hard and just perfect! Best plant so far in my career. The other 3 are sleeping pill weed :blsmoke:Got lots of supertrim and some added fluff, wanna give hasch making a go but I'm not sure of what method I will try?! Well, bubblebags are no option, simply cuz I don't have any and I don't wanna spend money on "bags" I will have so little use of...any ideas? Ofc I have browsed the interwebz, just can't make up my mind....

Yeah I've been watching the WC...Holland looked promising...so does Germany! I think ima go put down 100$ on either Germany or Argentina...unless they meet before final, then I think Holland will be a good bet ;)

Yeah thats what I thought bout softer tissue, also the fatter the stem, the bigger "wound" to heal before it can throw roots.

thx for stopping by D! It's only like 4-5 people commenting on this thread (not that I'm an attention whore) so I'm thinking of just putting pics in my album included a lil text to describe instead of making threads?! I'm very close to deleting all my threads and just keep posting pics in my album for freinds, I mean it's only U guys who comment.

Let me know what you prefer, friends!



Well-Known Member
Hey Pc, I tend to like visiting your Thread, and there's a lot to be said for exclusive Threads as well. (That's why I don't have my thread in my signature) Only the peeps who have been visiting for a long time tend to stop by (no douche bags with stooopid comments - although there is always one, hahaha) So stay strong with it, it's such a cool journal with great info for organic lovers (and some super pics, hehe)

I got my bubble bags for like 20 GBP or something. WIll find the link for you, it's worth it even if you are only doing it one time. My first run with them I got over 20 grams from my trim, previously I done it through pillow cases, or by carefully sieving the water (got a tutorial on my older thread on that) Will hunt down the link for the bag for ya...Mr West has it as well if I can't find it.

Peace, DST


Active Member
Hey Pc, I tend to like visiting your Thread, and there's a lot to be said for exclusive Threads as well. (That's why I don't have my thread in my signature) Only the peeps who have been visiting for a long time tend to stop by (no douche bags with stooopid comments - although there is always one, hahaha) So stay strong with it, it's such a cool journal with great info for organic lovers (and some super pics, hehe)

I got my bubble bags for like 20 GBP or something. WIll find the link for you, it's worth it even if you are only doing it one time. My first run with them I got over 20 grams from my trim, previously I done it through pillow cases, or by carefully sieving the water (got a tutorial on my older thread on that) Will hunt down the link for the bag for ya...Mr West has it as well if I can't find it.

Peace, DST
Guess ur right. I wish there was a way to make a thread private, restricted to "friends only", am I dumb or is that possible? Well for 20 GBP I will give it a go but now that u mentioned the pillowcase...what bag does a pillowcase correspond to?

Last night I picked out the last Bubblegum to chop chop, smoked a fatty and fell asleep on the sofa before I got to chopping. WHen I woke up, first thing I see is a big plant w huge buds and for a sec I was WTF?! lol. Gotta have breakfast before I get to it...

The first clone from Katjie has been in flower bout a week now and it's also showing baLLs, so far 2. Is it better to select a new mother from one of the clones and clone that 1?


Well-Known Member
Not sure about private threads.....other than just starting a new website that is invite only? I keep getting people sending me pm's and rep asking to join different sites.....I really don't see the point in having journals on multiple sites...just too much of a mare. I have found some cool peeps on RIU, and that's good enough for me. Not sure what a pillowcase would respond to, I just use to use two old ones, one that was slightly tighter woven than the other. If you search for my threads started, there is a non pillow case way documented in there. Alterantively go to a kitchen store and buy some cheese cloth of vary grades....same thing.

I am not really someone who keeps mothers to be honest so can't give you 100% acurate advise on what is best there. I just clone from each run as I go along. Normally the best and strongest clone get's cloned on again.


Active Member
Not sure about private threads.....other than just starting a new website that is invite only? I keep getting people sending me pm's and rep asking to join different sites.....I really don't see the point in having journals on multiple sites...just too much of a mare. I have found some cool peeps on RIU, and that's good enough for me. Not sure what a pillowcase would respond to, I just use to use two old ones, one that was slightly tighter woven than the other. If you search for my threads started, there is a non pillow case way documented in there. Alterantively go to a kitchen store and buy some cheese cloth of vary grades....same thing.

I am not really someone who keeps mothers to be honest so can't give you 100% acurate advise on what is best there. I just clone from each run as I go along. Normally the best and strongest clone get's cloned on again.
I'll stick around. I like RIU, but I'd like us users to have more control over the privacy settings for threads and posts. Beeing able to "hide" a certain post only visible for friends and thread starter as an example or "private" threads only friends have access to.

I've been doing my continous Bubblegum grows like that, cloning offa the best clone, but this time of year I can veg in the window so I had a lot more veg area to utilize. Ima make ton of clones from Katjie then chop her, that's final! Update comin up ina minute!


Well-Known Member
Whats up Pangcake? How is your bubblegum and northern lights smoking? They should have a good cure by now. I will check back in when you update.


Active Member
Pew...busy day today! Bought more soil and replanted the 6 Katjie clones and put them under HPS. Gonna veg them for 12 hours/day under HPS for 3 days (other 6h in the window ) then start 12/12 on them. They look great!

The 5 clones from Heather all have visible roots and have been moved to veg in the window.

Still have more to do! 1 Bubblegum still not chopped and Ima clone Katjie then kill her T_T

In 12/12: 2 HB's and 1 Bubblegum, 6 more HB's in flower in 3 day.
