Putin moves in, tells Obama to get the hell outta the way, bombs questionable targets in Syria.

You know what is really cool? Today Russia bombed the shit out of US trained ant-Assad rebels, destroying their main arms depot. The Russians said they were attacking IS, but they weren't anywhere near, they were like 500 miles away.
Putin took a big shit on Obama's lap, and didn't even leave any toilet paper. Next thing I would be doing is supplying the anti-Assad rebels with some nice old SAM's, and start lighting up those commie jets.. This is going to be fun, you can bet on it.
Uncle Ben.. u sound like a typical fox news viewer and you must be an ancient fossil with the garbage you spew...

Russia is defending Humanity against evil Zionist/Sunni Garbage Plauge

Assad is not a bad guy. . Only sheeple believe this western Jewish narrative
No, Assad IS a bad guy. But the one thing we all should have learned by now is that is what it takes to rule in the chaotic, crazy middle-east. It takes a really bad S.O.B. to corral all the extremists and scare them so bad that they won't attempt to take over.
That is why Assad's men scooped up any trouble makers, tossed them into jail, and tortured the shit out of them. They nip it in the bud. I don't support Assad. I just think he is more suited to rule Syria than anyone else.
You know what is really cool? Today Russia bombed the shit out of US trained ant-Assad rebels, destroying their main arms depot. The Russians said they were attacking IS, but they weren't anywhere near, they were like 500 miles away.
Putin took a big shit on Obama's lap, and didn't even leave any toilet paper. Next thing I would be doing is supplying the anti-Assad rebels with some nice old SAM's, and start lighting up those commie jets.. This is going to be fun, you can bet on it.
War is going to be fun? I thought you were a liberal?

There is absolutely nothing fun about many people dying...

I think this is really cool. During the Cold War, footage like this would have probably been highly classified and the US government would almost kill for it. Now a days, it's just out there in the news.

Four Russian ships launch 26 3M-54 Klub missiles 1,500km from the Caspian Sea to hit targets in Syria.
You know what is really cool? Today Russia bombed the shit out of US trained ant-Assad rebels, destroying their main arms depot. The Russians said they were attacking IS, but they weren't anywhere near, they were like 500 miles away.
Putin took a big shit on Obama's lap, and didn't even leave any toilet paper. Next thing I would be doing is supplying the anti-Assad rebels with some nice old SAM's, and start lighting up those commie jets.. This is going to be fun, you can bet on it.
Putin is paying for their navy base.
Assad made a deal
how the fuck do your missiles miss the intended targets and fly into another country which is an ally?

syria is in good hands now that that ol cowboy, rootin tootin pootin, has the enemy in his sights
how the fuck do your missiles miss the intended targets and fly into another country which is an ally?

syria is in good hands now that that ol cowboy, rootin tootin pootin, has the enemy in his sights
Because you fired them across two countries from a thousand miles away?

Plus theres been no confirmation except hearsay that any missiles failed to hit their target.
Im from SoCal born and Raised... Fuck my Zionist owned Government..

Vladimir just pimp slapped those lil Bank Cartel Idol loving bastards with his Bear Paw..

Who would have ever thought the Bear from Cleveland Show would be saving the world from Saudi/Israel/Nato alliance

Do you sheeps understand its going downhill quicker than a flushed Turd for the ISIS/USA/Israel

Russian Military has already seen ISIS fighters scattering back to Turkey like the Roaches they are... disgusting Jewish Arabs beheading people with real Semite Blood in them...

As they run like str8 biatches ... Hezbollah will catch them slippen and gut their ass like the Vermin they are..

BTW fuck all Religions ... Prophecies from the Shiite version of Islam are magically coming true... someone check it out and read about the Mahdi and Jesus fighting against the Anti-Christ in Dasmascus .. Russians are Orthadox Christians ... hhhhmmm fairy tales gangsta
In Dublins Fair City, Where the Girls are so Pretty.
Well, if you would like to take a drive some weekend to God's County, I am pretty sure I could hook you up in Leenane for a couple of night's, without much of an issue at all. Nice place for a walk, or to catch a fish (you fish?) I live in the US now, but family galore in Galway, and a few in Cork. Sorry that you live in that sewer, but at least you have Bono (and Guinness)

Four Russian ships launch 26 3M-54 Klub missiles 1,500km from the Caspian Sea to hit targets in Syria.


The letters on the key is not "US", as it may seem,
it is turned upside down "БП" - blocking of power supply
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Sounds like the group of people collectivists believe should be paying more taxes.
That description is border line illegal where you live. Targets of the Democrat party no doubt.
You would love to have them loaded up in train cars and sent off to auschwitz ... if you could
Sounds like the group of people collectivists believe should be paying more taxes.
That description is border line illegal where you live. Targets of the Democrat party no doubt.
You would love to have them loaded up in train cars and sent off to auschwitz ... if you could


The letters on the key is not "US", as it may seem,
it is turned upside down "БП" - blocking of power supply

Cool, I never said that the letters on the key said US though. I said that the US during the Cold War would've wanted footage like that so badly because it shows off a lot of Russian equipment.

Or if you were just pointing that out as a neat fact, neat! :D