Putting my plants outside in the Sun?


Active Member
^Old Setup!! Putting in my new http://www.virtualsunhydroponics.com/Agricultural/products/VS1000DS.asp?rt=2 in right now BIG UPGRADE! 400$ UPGRADE! Will upload!

Hey . i put my 3 14 inch clones outside today. 3 days into flower and have blooms on them already... Or Starting to get a few! Hopfully the sunshine will be a good thing!!! Its so nice out not a cloud in the sky I set them in dicrect sunlight and its 60 degrees outside. I live in oregon is this ok just for sunny days?? Lights on from 11 to 11pm off from 11pm to 11 am. Oh and i am installing my 1000 watt grow hood and ballist today with sodium bulb! so shit start popping im only running 350 watt atm

Jus Naturale

Active Member
I don't see how it could be bad, assuming the clone is rooted and strong enough to handle direct light. You will want to watch out for bugs, though.

Good luck and happy growing!


Active Member
Thank you very much! I think plants love that real sun!!! Lots of nutes!! LOTS! natural haha!!! (Getting more Clones soon(Jack Herper)


Well-Known Member
Just remember you're dragging bugs back into your grow room every time they are moved back inside...bugs can bug ya


Active Member
It's to cold this time of year here barely get nice weather till after june:( But i was just going to see i got them in a green house ... Not outside completly but a good greenhouse


Well-Known Member
I do exactly what you did all the time. I set them out as seedlings on warm days, and continue to do so through flower. In addition to bugs, be careful you don't sun scald them if they have been in 100% artificial light. Set them in light shade for a day, and give them increasing amount of full sun for a few days till they get accustomed to the UV light.

I think it's really beneficial, nothing like real solar rays to make them happy. FWIW I put a light meter at canopy height under my 600W with some additional CFLs and it read 2200 candlepower. Outdoors with overcast it I get 4600 CP, and when it's clear I get a reading of 7300 CP. So they are getting a lot more light in full spectrum, gotta be good for growth.