PVC Box, covered with Ultreflect?


Active Member
Ok, first off let me say this. If you are the BIAS type person who can not use their mind to imagine anything other than what they like, PLEASE don't reply with your comments....If you really know your stuff and you know I might be doing something wrong, or right, please do feel free to comment, lol, thanks.

Ok so I came up with this idea, that so far seems to be pretty cheap and efficient...

PVC Piping, 5ft tall, 3ft wide and 3ft long.

Pretty much this

That's just a picture I found on google, but imagine something like that, but with a base instead of just standing on legs, and 5ft tall, 3x3.

I want to do that, and then with zip ties, tape, what ever I need, place mylar ultreflect on the sides

This setup is for 3 plants, each in a 3 gallon pot of FoxFarm Soil.

What do you guys think?


Active Member
Also, I plan on hanging a 250watt HPS above the plants, but it WONT be hanging from the PVC structure I plan on making, above the opening of the box(the top will not be covered) I have a bar that can support alot of weight:

See the bar the CFL is hanging from? I plan on hanging the 250Watt HPS from that, and the PVC structure will suroung the plants on all sides, with an opening on the top for the light to shine down(20 inches above)

This is a picture of my temporary setup. So imagine the structure in replace of the box walls. PVC pipe skeleton, skin is a ultreflect mylar. there is NO cover or hood, it will be open at the top allowing the HPS to hang down inside just a bit. Will have fans blowing inside and blowing air outside of the structure, and I will have a fan blowing through the HPS light.


Active Member
AS far as heat goes, I was planning on a couple of fans blowing on the light it self, and a fan blowing air in the structure and a fan blowing air out. I think I can get away with out getting an Exhaust setup on the light leading to the ceiling or attic. This setup is also in a regular sized bedroom, not a small closet, so I have a window with air that blows in the room and a door that can be opened to let it out..

Where in the hell am I?

Well-Known Member
AS far as heat goes, I was planning on a couple of fans blowing on the light it self, and a fan blowing air in the structure and a fan blowing air out. I think I can get away with out getting an Exhaust setup on the light leading to the ceiling or attic. This setup is also in a regular sized bedroom, not a small closet, so I have a window with air that blows in the room and a door that can be opened to let it out..
Another + is the fact that yer light isnt gonna be inside yer grow room, but above!