
Well-Known Member
Haven't seen anything similar so thought I would mention my RDWC container. It's a 12" PVC pipe fitted with 12" end caps. Mine is 6 feet long under a 6 foot light but longer ones could be made, up to 20 feet in length. It holds about 4 gallons per foot, so 8 gallons per plant. It takes a bit of math but a 10" PVC pipe would probably hold 2-2.5 gallons per foot (4-5 gallons per plant -w- 2 foot spacing).

Recirculating is as easy as pumping from one end and dumping in the other. No bulkheads.

So there you go, PVC RDWC.


Well-Known Member
Haven't seen anything similar so thought I would mention my RDWC container. It's a 12" PVC pipe fitted with 12" end caps. Mine is 6 feet long under a 6 foot light but longer ones could be made, up to 20 feet in length. It holds about 4 gallons per foot, so 8 gallons per plant. It takes a bit of math but a 10" PVC pipe would probably hold 2-2.5 gallons per foot (4-5 gallons per plant -w- 2 foot spacing).

Recirculating is as easy as pumping from one end and dumping in the other. No bulkheads.

So there you go, PVC RDWC.
Pics? I'm building one and was thinking of using 2" PVC connecting the reservoirs...12" PVC just seems like whacked awesome overkill...my favorite


Well-Known Member
Sounds like you are just running a very fat flooded tube eliminating the need for a separate rez. I use 5" and have plenty of root space.

Recirculation is all that is needed, bubbles are completely unnecessary, so not surprised it's working for you.


Well-Known Member
The rig is in use so no pics, but it's basically looks what you would think it would look like, a big ass pipe. I do use some bubblers (clones with short roots) but Sativied is right, no bubbler necessary. In fact I don't use a bubbler on the plant near the inlet because the splash down gets to the roots of the clone... and over several grows the plant closest to the inlet has always been the biggest.

As far as the chiller, the grow space is in the mid-high 70's. Before the chiller it was very possible to get root rot. After the chiller no root rot. I highly recommend them, though they do necessitate a recirculating system. They are a little money up front but they're more efficient than full room AC and they get the job done keeping my plants at 65 degrees.

Anyway, thought someone might find this useful. I spend some time considering my options and the PVC satisfied my criteria. I wanted a RDWC supporting plants in a 2x6' footprint and I didn't want any bulkheads to worry about.


For my first Dwc I used a fish tank filter glued to the inside if the bucket :D. Took a little rigging and regular root trims on that side of the bucket but it turned out well.. Just a swag seed produced some of the best bho I've ever tasted..

Bubbles are not a necessity..