QB linkage help


Active Member
so I have an HLG 135watt QB with an
hlg-100h-54A. what would be some good boards to link with this driver to make my flower room have a better footprint?
so I have an HLG 135watt QB with an
hlg-100h-54A. what would be some good boards to link with this driver to make my flower room have a better footprint?
Look for boards and strips that are 48-54volts. Chilled logic pucks are 54v but are suggested to be ran in series not parallel.
Look for boards and strips that are 48-54volts. Chilled logic pucks are 54v but are suggested to be ran in series not parallel.
That advice is no good. In order to put another led on that driver it would have to be in parallel.
Only do parallel with exact same chip/board or something that has the exact same electrical and thermal characteristics. With different voltages the 2 boards will pull different amount of amps, heating up unequally and possibly leading to thermal runaway.

You need another Qb, preferably with the same voltage bin.
That advice is no good. In order to put another led on that driver it would have to be in parallel.
Only do parallel with exact same chip/board or something that has the exact same electrical and thermal characteristics. With different voltages the 2 boards will pull different amount of amps, heating up unequally and possibly leading to thermal runaway.

You need another Qb, preferably with the same voltage bin.
Ya I misread his question. My bad. Although, I've still yet to see an example of documented thermal runaway actually happening on here.
That advice is no good. In order to put another led on that driver it would have to be in parallel.
Only do parallel with exact same chip/board or something that has the exact same electrical and thermal characteristics. With different voltages the 2 boards will pull different amount of amps, heating up unequally and possibly leading to thermal runaway.

You need another Qb, preferably with the same voltage bin.

so basically I would need the exact same board or buy a different set up?
You can try something else with a similar voltage but its not recomended. Thermal runaway might not be common but whats the point in challanging Murphys law?
I suppose you could get a china clone of your board but you should make sure your board and the china board uses the same voltage bin.