QB132’s (x15) in a 4x4... 1050w LED light platform

Oh... my penis is 6 1/8” long .... I figured with the “Who’s got the bigger pecker” compition goin in this thread I should chime in with my measurements.

...I’ll never be a porn star, but I do alright IMHO...
Well, that puts you above the national average (if you're in the US).
Per some radio DJ, I once heard that the US average is 5.1". So you can let the ladies know you're better than average! Assuming Cali follows the rest of the nation?

Okay, enough about dicks. What are you growing under the 132s?
That's soft !!
Bitchin setup dude!

Gorilla tent? You have the thousand points of light at your seams, like me? Lol, sucks, but can be dealt with.

Don’t let anyone scare you about temps, i’ve been runnin timber 960w full bore in 4x4x9, can’t hold 84F. All depends on your ambient conditions. My tent (all drivers inside tent: qbs, emerson boards, far red initiator), but in a 65F, 45-55% rh room. 301b QBs are so efficient, there is no comparison of wasted heat energy vs any other light. Btw, except for energy efficiency, which isn’t a big deal for some, watts don’t mean shite to your plants, ppfd and spectrum do.

Get yourself one of these:
https://www.apogeeinstruments.com/full-spectrum-quantum-sensor/ the equivalent of a good pH/EC meter for light.

Several useful references for you:


https://www.extension.purdue.edu/extmedia/ho/ho-238-w.pdf important part is maps, focus on summer dli in northern california/southern oregon.

When you get a chance, read up on far red initiators, emerson boards, and uva-b.

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or_gro thank u so much for sharing the info...! I see some additions on the horizon for the next version of my light platform. I had no idea technology had moved this far along...!?!
or_gro thank u so much for sharing the info...! I see some additions on the horizon for the next version of my light platform. I had no idea technology had moved this far along...!?!

My pleasure, hope some of it helps, but credit really goes mostly to fellow growers who help dig up the info or have good info cuz they experimented on their own.

The table at the end of following doc provides some good starting points specifically for cannabis:


All the best to you, man. Kick some ass w those QBs!
Do you have any recommendations on far red, UVA/B, Emerson ...? I don’t mind wiring things up & got 2 spare drivers just itching to get used for something!

Cheers Brother

Just connected all my reds a few mins ago, check out my current grow for pics, listed in my signature.

For far red, i’m running a 4’ growbright far red bar, lots of other guys swear by their growmau5 fr initiator pucks.

For emerson board: I’m running HLG QB-35, this is the full kit; they also sell just the board as QB-18 w/o the driver and 2-prong cord (they’re so popular that they are listed as outofstock on website, sign up for instock notification, usually just a few days wait). Rapidled also makes one.

If you haven’t read it yet, the far red thread may be worth scanning, if for no other reason than just to learn who some of the riu experts are on this topic.

For uva-b (also a thread on it), i’m running a 4’ agro-max t5 uva-b tube, if you look at my pics, it’s hanging between the 48sams, but currently up near the ceiling of tent. I’ll be running it for short lightson cycles once buds start frosting up. Solacure also makes t-12 tubes for cannabis.

I have four QB132’s remaining aside from this light platform. I will set those up shortly in a dedicated veg tent. One of these drivers will go to that purpose. Other drivers I bought, changed my mind, and had a feeling if I held onto em I would “find” a new purpose.

dude i've been inspired by you.
i was thinking about adding a 4x4 tent to my grow area and your platform of light idea seems good to me,
except i might go even further
i might do (20) QB120s in like a 5x4 pattern so it would be like 44x47 inches.
Get drivers that can run em at the full 75w and them dim for like 40watts per square foot.
thats the dream fixture. could even be used to flower a huge space on full power.
priced it at $800 its a possibility in the future, except those 4 packs will probably be unavailable off amazon by the time i pull the trigger.

cant wait to see what your light does.
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I can’t wait to see too...!

I remember my inspiration moment. It was amazing when that “god smack” moment happened...... fat FAAATTTT bong rip...cough guts up....*bing*.... I hear a voice in my head, and the Lord sayith unto me, “You shall not pay $600 an oz... you SHALL GROW CONISOUR GRADE for pennies on the dollar.

So it is commanded, so it shall be done....! Love the Big Guy upstairs, he has the BEST IDEAS !
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dam prices are BS!!!

One day, it shall be $1-3 a gram, EVERYWHERE, should be the standard. Make it a bench mark price across US, Fully legalize, and anyone can grow their own meds. If you can go anywhere, and pay $1 a gram, it will instantly shut allllll the Bullshit in the game of this "monopoly"industry.

It is the ONLY way to stop the trafficking, theft, and gouging of this plant.
dam prices are BS!!!

One day, it shall be $1-3 a gram, EVERYWHERE, should be the standard. Make it a bench mark price across US, Fully legalize, and anyone can grow their own meds. If you can go anywhere, and pay $1 a gram, it will instantly shut allllll the Bullshit in the game of this "monopoly"industry.

It is the ONLY way to stop the trafficking, theft, and gouging of this plant.
I don't know, man... For indoor-grown bud, $1/gram would make commercial growing unviable.
You can still have exotics, but every single dispensary should have cheaper prices, set as a standard. If growers know what they are doing, You can crank out a pound for under $100.

Find the best genetics for large dense buds, that you can scrog, it can work. 2 plants a pound, 21ftx12ft, 56 plants, 28 lbs, 12,684 grams, around $3,200 in expenses for the run, plus manicure crew. 90 day runs,

Ok ok, man, Im tryin here, lol.. Bottom line tho, the shit is to expensive for people. The sad thing is, people have to balance Life or money. If you have the money, you can live, if you dont, you die, from the same thing the money cured or made for a better life. Is this a "kill the Poor" or is this a " Save the Rich"?

But then you have the tax, the Store markups, blahblahblah,