thanks ambedexteras, i wasnt sure if i was doin something wrong lol, i watch the weed nerd and see subs plants that look as if one is the size of all my plants together… i know hes a pro been doin it for years and such… but it was still a little un nerving. now im much more relaxed about it…and i cant belive late september… thats insane, thanks for the heads up homie, looks like im gunna have to do some modifications to the gh by then, like extending the plastic all the way to the ground and getting a space heater or something to help with our cold nights down the road… ive heard of the dish soap trick, i, myself am all about NEEM oil a few drops of organic dish soap to breakdown the oil and warm water, thats what i used in cali for pm and spidermites although the spidermites did what they were gunna do and we had to resort to mighty wash which anded up fucking our crop up so we only harvested around 6 ps. instead of 8 like we thought. if i run into a serious bug problem your technique will be the first one i use after the neem if it doesnt work. thanks man and keep on keepin on….
weednerd out