Quads City Genetics


Well-Known Member
Picked up a pack of Pink Tahoe Kush from Quad City Genetics. The strain (this cross specifically) I haven't been able to find online anywhere. I can't find any trace of the company either, but my Google-fu could be lacking today.


That being said, super stoked to see the result, some have sprouted already.


Well-Known Member

2 seeds made it 8)
2 seeds germinated (after investigation) but didn't ever surface, soil was too compact, oops.
1 seed (shown in first pic) germinated but never got true leaves, it died

Now to tell the story of 2 plants


Well-Known Member
Seedling #1

This seed popped a day after the 2 seeds shown in my first post. It was healthy from the beginning, growing quicker than the seedling that popped before it. Once it got nearly root bound in a 3 gallon container I moved it outside.

Pic 1 - Day 5 Outdoors. I didn't harden it off or anything, just went from indoor to outdoors. The weather was pretty good though so little shock I'd imagine.
Pic 2 - 17 days after 1st photo, some lower leaf wilting, probably gave too much waterpink2.jpgPic 3 - 2 weeks after Pic 2pink3.jpg

Awesome. If you don't mind me asking, where'd you grab these - Green Leaf Society?
Yessir. Good selection over there :clap:
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Well-Known Member
Seedling #2

Remember this guy?
Well, she didn't grow as fast as the other. The plant's stem never really fully straightened out and it stunted the growth a little.

Pic 1 - Day 5 Outdoors. After getting nearly rootbound in a 2 gallon container I brought her outside. The spot I chose for her was bad, It didn't get enough sunlight.
Pic 2 - 17 days later, I brought her back inside. I could tell she was not going to make it, it's largest fan leaves had wilted and been eaten away by some slugs. Here she is dealing with a mealybug pest, some water and later a bit of insecticidal soap, no longer an issue. Still, this girl's been through a lot.

Pic 3 - Today, 20+ days later. She's flowering! And dealing with being fed a little too much nutes, I'm using General Organics Go Box.
Smells really skunky.