Quality Dispensary in the Springs?


I'm a new patient and I have went to Maggie's Farm, Strawberry Fields, Secret Stash, and The Healing Canna. The Healing Canna was the only one with quality Buds, but their prices seemed much higher than what is average-but you also get what you pay for. The other dispensaries all had-imo-low quality bud. Their buds smelled like chlorophyl; in general the pistils and trichomes are unripe; and they are all airy and scraggly. I picked up four strains and they were very harsh on the throat and sinuses; the taste was unpleasing as well. It seems they don't flush at all or not enough. I grabbed DJ's Blueberry, Bubba Kush, White Widow, and Afgooey.

Any suggestions for quality meds? Thanks for your help.
The Healing Canna indeed does have some of the dankest. I honestly feel it's among the top of the springs and if you want quality meds, just stick with the place.
Consteillo, I did decide to go back to the Healing Canna yesterday. I picked up LA Woman and Voodoo Star. I've had the LA Woman before and was impressed, although this time the buzz wasn't as pleasing, there was some discomfort caused in my back injury after medicating. The Voodoo Star on the other hand was awesome. The buzz blast your entire head and neck at first, then it soars down the rest of your body 20-30 minutes later. It was a very euphoric, sense heightening, and all around relaxing buzz; it was just all around awesome and very surprising for a sativa dominant strain. I also medicate daily.
Hell yeah, although their LA Woman in my opinion could have lasted longer, but was strong enough for it's duration. Their Cherry Pie in stock right now is one of the sweetest and most tasty sativas I have had since going there.

I will tell you this, and I hope others from the Springs come to realize this as well. Their acclaimed top shelf and next shelf below, green shelf, have the same kind of buds in a nut shell. I noticed how their green shelf buds have near same THC levels as the top shelf buds, if not more. The smell, cosmetics and quality are just the same, with both shelves having their best and their worst. Honestly, it might be more of a marketing thing at TheHealingCanna and that, people are easy to trick.


Yup. Penn and Teller are the shit. But anyway, as the video states, (under personal assumption) TheHealingCanna takes their prettiest buds, label them as "Top Shelf" which in return creates a false market. People will believe that it's the best simply only because of being told it is. The aroma, appearance and description compliment the label "top shelf".

I may be wrong, but I believe The Health Canna's color bracket system corresponds to the difficulty level-nutrient sensitivities etc.-of growing and the yield per watt on average. So a strain might seem as if it is the same or even better quality than another in a higher color bracket but may be an easy feeder and heavy producer, thus having a cheaper retail price.
Go to THE TREEHOUSE it is the REAL SECRET STASH literally they have gems the buds reek like hells gates opening try there OG 18 BLUE DREAM AND THE VERY BEST STRAIN IMO SOUR CREAM you won't be dissapointed and if you are then your on crack because that's the only dispensarie where I drop benjamins its grade AAA DAAANK +.
Natures way is also a really good shop in town. They've always got dank in stock. Pricing is great. If you go tell Mark, Elliot or Garret that Brock sent you in and they'll take care of you. Happy Smoking!!!
Go to THE TREEHOUSE it is the REAL SECRET STASH literally they have gems the buds reek like hells gates opening try there OG 18 BLUE DREAM AND THE VERY BEST STRAIN IMO SOUR CREAM you won't be dissapointed and if you are then your on crack because that's the only dispensarie where I drop benjamins its grade AAA DAAANK +.

Will do! Thanks.
TY all for the nice words about the Tree House. If you didnt know three of us on the boards here run the grow there. Myself along with Disposition and Quietguy (not in that order of importance) but come by and we would treat ya right. Just let one of the guys know you are from the boards.
Finally went to the White Mountain Medicine. It was not what I was expecting, but not in a bad way. The place seemed like a professional street dealer store, rather than a medicine pharmacy. I was asked once what I was looking for in particular, however, that was as far as they went to ask me about my ailments. However, the staff was really kind to me, and they were generous allowing me to check out each jar. I ended up getting some Old School Skunk, Space Cheese and Sour Rhino.

Space Cheese is now one of my favorite strains. The smell is legit, like actual stinky cheese, feet almost in a way. But it is far from terrible rotten smell, it's just so unique and definite.

I was going to go to The Tree House, but their safe was needing repair, so no product

Fixing safe issue now, it's open though. Impressed to hear White Mountain doing you right. If you
go to their weedmaps page, people are beating them down pretty badly :(
Finally went to the White Mountain Medicine. It was not what I was expecting, but not in a bad way. The place seemed like a professional street dealer store, rather than a medicine pharmacy. I was asked once what I was looking for in particular, however, that was as far as they went to ask me about my ailments. However, the staff was really kind to me, and they were generous allowing me to check out each jar. I ended up getting some Old School Skunk, Space Cheese and Sour Rhino.

Space Cheese is now one of my favorite strains. The smell is legit, like actual stinky cheese, feet almost in a way. But it is far from terrible rotten smell, it's just so unique and definite.

I was going to go to The Tree House, but their safe was needing repair, so no product

Pharmacies prescribe dangerous drugs, plants can not be prescribed.

Never been to a dispensary in Springs...
People don't ask me what ailments I have. I am not going to share that with a $8 an hour big boobed girl who doesn't even smoke weed.
Perhaps they thought you were sophisticated enough to pick your own varieties?

I got tired of some kid saying "indica makes you tired, sativa makes you up"
That isn't true. There are sativas that make me want to nap and indicas that are energizing.
There are varieties that make me want to nap a couple hours after smoking, Sour D, Super Lemon Haze...
and some that if I smoke in the morning I do not notice anything later in the day, Blueberry, Ingrid...

Here we go any who


Now that's what I call Real Educated Cannabis Growers!!!!