@RM3 can I get a few tips on root health? I'm growing in SS#4 with some perlite added and about 2 weeks ago I added kelp to the rotation, but I keep noticing after harvest my rootball is only about half the pot, and I use small 5-7gal with 6wk-ish vegSeems like this is where I can get better, surely? Mostly what I see is amending soil and building happy micro-organisms in the root zone but we soilless folk don't do that do we? I'm happy to lace my soil with some type of meal or myco but there are way too many labels out there and I hate paying for marketing budgets
thought I'd chime in, I use SS #4 in fabric pots and add a few teaspoons of this stuff at germination, each transplant, and a top dress at flip and have always had explosive rooting. Seriously I can thump on the pots and feel roots from top to bottom edge to edge. I've transplanted from 1gal to 5gal and had roots at sides in two days