quality over quantity


Well-Known Member
I was just asking.
That's why I don't text, if you say something a girl doesn't like through text.. they reply with one word and question marks.

Even though you can't hear them, you know they're being all fucking bitchy.


New Member
so the last few times (id say about 10 times) I bought weed, i bought it at a low price for (30 1/8ths, 45 dollar 1/4ths) and then they'd still always plug it. but the weed wasnt very good, i didnt get very high. I got high, but not like the woah im high, its just at the "im feeling ok" stage

anywho, i decided to spend 40 bucks on an 1/8th, and its 3x better than the weed i was getting. looks and smells better, tastes better.

IMO, i think maybe paying for quality over quantity is worth it, but then again i wont be spending 40 bucks on an 1/8th every time either.

what do you think about this?
i got some "mago kush" once that tastes like fromunda cheese... I hate when that happens....


Well-Known Member
I was asking where you were from because it seems pretty easy to get good grade herb for pretty decent prices if you live in California.