Quality scissors

anyone here tried the chikamasa with the flourine coating?
its got a tephlon like coating to help resin slide off the blades instead of gumming the shearing area of the blade. I just got these and a harvest more trim bin with a stainless screen to see how well it performs . I will be cleaning these scissors with either only alcohol or coconut oil; if either they will be used into a base of that and extracted
I don't have the coating on mine, probably wouldn't matter since I won't scrape those blades, only clean with a paper towel and alcohol. Those scissors have more space between the blades too so they don't start sticking as quickly as others.
I bought a couple pairs of these Fiskars Softouch years ago. They still work great and still sharp enough to slice right into the tip of your finger if you're not paying attention. Don't ask me how I know.


lol, I know too, it happens. My spring last a year, and I am sure I could buy new ones, but the scissors are like less than 20 so I just get new ones.