Quality Shatter in CO?

good luck on the business dude.. sounds like a quality situation.. maybe just talk to 5-10 growers and work out a deal to trim there buds.. to keep the trim and the larf?
fuck trimming I hire trimmers i don't trim, that sounds a little asshole-ish but my time is worth more then 10 an hour, and people around here are starting to sell there trim from 500 to 700 a pound fucking rediculious.
Who the hell trims for 10 an hour? 200 per lb is usually what i get to trim. Work for 6 to 8 hours a day 5 days a week when i fly out to trim. Plus food lol guess thats why im seeing more and more "cheap" labor being used.
Who the hell trims for 10 an hour? 200 per lb is usually what i get to trim. Work for 6 to 8 hours a day 5 days a week when i fly out to trim. Plus food lol guess thats why im seeing more and more "cheap" labor being used.
that sounds better
what is minimum wage in CO...?
that sounds better
what is minimum wage in CO...?
not sure i use to pay trimmers 15 to 20 an hour, when i was trimming for altitude organics I only made 10 worst job hated it sooooooooooo much. I was surrounded by rookies and hacks that would pick up a nug and freak out smell it and say they wish they could eat it.... to every fucking nug......
that seems like a fair price, hell I use to fix hydraulic tools for less lol
just looked it up
$8 in Co
$7.25 here in Tx
if anybody is complaing about $10 per hour for trimming they should stop there bitchin lol
lol my avatar is on my business card.
i have been taking little containers, i am about to get 200 for free from a dispensary that is no longer using them, and gluing them to the back of my cards. I am about to have my graphic designer make me extract logo


i want to use this font for the Twitch in "Twitch Extracts" or "Twitch Xtracts" but i think i am going to go the professional looking route and do the "Twitch Extracts"

thoughts, opinions, criticism? I want to hear it all

OP if you want me to take this to the contributors thread I will i didn't mean to jack your thread, but it kind of applies I make quality shatter and wax in the CO area

No problem bro. Was kinda my whole point of starting this thread. I know your gonna show a lot of folks just how us Texans do it. Thank you so much for getting me started the RIGHT way!
alot of places will put in on a sticker and put it on ur bag.

and when i find a good grower out here ill let yall know, their are alot of hacks and rookies in this state

There's no place like home, no place like home, NO PLACE LIKE HOME! lmao

Gotta be careful with those $10 a hour niggas! I be like New Jack City. Biatch show me those tittaes!
haha i need to make a "Quality shatter in Tx?" thread lol

you guys wouldn't believe some of the shit ive been seeing recently
10 bucks an hour isn't horrible. but still depends.. a good trimming crew is hard to find.. most leave so much leaf behind its not worth having someone else trim.. I got a buddy who I give a oz per lb he trims and hes fast and perfect at trimming.. so it works out for him.. we pay a oz of bud per pound.. or depends.. sometimes we give oz per pound.. sometimes we give oz and the trim from the nugs u did per pound.. so u can make bho..

but now that we make our own bho.. I been doing my trimming alone..
fuck trimming I hire trimmers i don't trim, that sounds a little asshole-ish but my time is worth more then 10 an hour, and people around here are starting to sell there trim from 500 to 700 a pound fucking rediculious.
I don't know how you could possibly find people to trim for you at $10/hr. If you could then you probably still shouldn't because that's asking to get robbed or extorted, and if you pay them per weight they'll do a shitty trim job, so I will pay up to $25/hr. and only my closest friends will get that opportunity.
That trim will yield you at least 45 grams of concentrate which at wholesale price of $18 makes $800+. When a pound of trim was $150 every idiot in the game started making concentrates and growers were leaving a lot of money on the table. It makes economic sense for both parties at $500-700 per pound, and with so many extraction artists and the lack of trim I expect things to only get worse. Really its expected because there isn't much of a barrier to entry into the market. It's just a simple extraction and most people without chemistry knowledge can easily do it.
A friend of mine just called me from Lake Wood CO. She said that the local dispensary has nothing but BS wax. Throat burning & instant headache. She wants to know where she can find quality shatter up there in CO like us Texans do it down here. Any suggestions my friends up there?
there's a place in Nederlands, called the canary song, they have good shit. I bought their house blend and it was awesome.
I don't know how you could possibly find people to trim for you at $10/hr. If you could then you probably still shouldn't because that's asking to get robbed or extorted, and if you pay them per weight they'll do a shitty trim job, so I will pay up to $25/hr. and only my closest friends will get that opportunity.
That trim will yield you at least 45 grams of concentrate which at wholesale price of $18 makes $800+. When a pound of trim was $150 every idiot in the game started making concentrates and growers were leaving a lot of money on the table. It makes economic sense for both parties at $500-700 per pound, and with so many extraction artists and the lack of trim I expect things to only get worse. Really its expected because there isn't much of a barrier to entry into the market. It's just a simple extraction and most people without chemistry knowledge can easily do it.

umm i use the same trimmers that the dispensary uses, and they are paid 10 an hour and its taxed... mines tax free
i also rent a van from uhaul pick them up at walmart at 9 am and drive them to the house back the van up, un load in the garage and i have my trimming area in the garage, so they never see the plants or how big... i have been doing this for years and i am still around,

Also I am from Texas, you don't extort Texans