Quantum Boards or COBS?

I completely disagree, as COB's have grown some of the frostiest bud I've ever seen while completely lacking in UV.

sure, nobody is disputing this. theres also been some positive studies that show increased thc content with UV

Trichome production is a secondary metabolite function of the plant and relates to health. UV is not necessary to achieve this.
i agree. vigor first, for sure. its like CO2 it can only help in absence of limitng factors I assumed it was a given plant health and vigor was there if were even discussing this

Explain how jacketed Bulbs in air-cooled hoods (this means no ultra-violet wavelengths) are still growing the dankety dank. Like strains testing out at over 30% cannabinoids.

CMH and mercury-vapor fluorescents (esp low-phoshpor ones designed for UV) have significant UV radiation.

theres nothing preventing a strain from reaching high levels of thc in absence of UV. that doesnt mean it cant potentially be a few percent higher with UV
CMH and mercury-vapor fluorescents (esp low-phoshpor ones designed for UV) have significant UV radiation.

Sorry, I meant ol' traditional HPS spectrum, which without being aircooled, hardly emit any UV at all. Let alone with glass in the way. People been growing crazy frosty bud with old school tech for awhile now.

And I'm pretty sure nobody in their right mind is cooling their T5 Fixtures or CFL's with glass hoods.

theres also been some positive studies that show increased thc content with UV

theres nothing preventing a strain from reaching high levels of thc in absence of UV. that doesnt mean it cant potentially be a few percent higher with UV

These are reasonable statements I can agree with.

UV seems to be one of the biggest factors in trichome production

This statement is absolutely ridiculous.
sure, nobody is disputing this. theres also been some positive studies that show increased thc content with UV

but overall degradation to the cannabinoids/terpenoids. And that study was never framed for that discussion, so really it is an assumption....maybe a correct one, but not something hammered in stone....

Do you remember that paper? I had it, but my hard drive crashed a bit ago and I lost my UV folder, which was dangerous....

I want to make some more general observations, but I hesitate to continue.....just to back away from my usual abrasiveness..... :joint:
Sorry, I meant ol' traditional HPS spectrum, which without being aircooled, hardly emit any UV at all.
correct which is why i said cobs and hps are more similar than either are to cmh or mercury vapor
This statement is absolutely ridiculous.
yes, taken literally it is. and i addressed that in the subsequent post, so let me restate it in better context:

in the absence of other limiting factors, UV spectrum seems to have one of the more significant effects (say more so than snake oil supplements, water stress and other things people try to use to increase resin).

if you look at the context in which i stated that (the poster right before me suggested HPS and cobs would be different in resin production). my point was hps only has IR, not UV we need to see a difference
My 2c on UV via HPS...I have a lil solar toy: UV light makes a lil motor spin a particular speed under full African sun. Then, I tested it under a crappy 400W magnetic HPS that shouldn't have even been used to light hookers at a truck-stop-- here the motor span about between a quarter and half the speed. I know motor vigour isn't the best cue for UV PPF, but it suggested to me that there is a decent amount of UV energy coming from the what seemed to be the crappiest of HPS.
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You aren't very good at science are you? Heat is determined by wattage not the type of light....1000w of HPS will produce the same heat as 1000w of COBs. Read the first law of thermodynamics if you want to get some education.

The lack of knowledge in this section is real. Try not to drink too much of that koolaid .
I've seen so many posts you've made and you're a very sour little puss. I dont know jack shit about light spectrum, I dont know jack shit about loght efficiency amd yield, but i know electricity like the back of my freaking hand. You are WRONG. Wattage is not an even conversion to heat, especially when the intended output isn't heat. Not even talking about the IR heat from the spectrum itself or the best from the other spectrums of light, there is shitload of heat/electricity loss in your ballast itself. The hotter any circuit geys, the more electricity is actually being LOST as electrons escape the circuit in the form of heat energy, before they can be converted to light energy at the bulb. All this being said, common sense dictates that the cooler you can run the less electricity is wasted as ambient heat loss, the more efficient the electronic device is.

Now let's counter your claim that heat is derived solely from wattage and not from light type. An LED works by passing one electron at a time between contacts in an arc, hps/mh/cmh has to HEAT a filament to glow HOT enough to create the light you desire, complemented by various elements such as sodium to produce a specific spectrum. An arc of electricity does not need to ever get hot to create light, it works by allowing electrons to freely escape in the form of photons!

So, as you so incorrectly asserted, light type is far more a factor of heat generation than actual wattage ever will be.

I'll take a cooler running system that I can safely supplement over a setup that inherently by design itself has to create tons of heat to achieve light.
You're crazy bro, all the big grow ops here in colorado use DE lights with a 2:1 combination of HPS/MH , you just talking out your ass again. DE lights are THE BEST for warehouse grows PERIOD. And i really don't wanna hear more stupid shit outta you either stop making up random claims with no facts to back them up this whole section is being misled by a couple people that literally don't know shit about growing.
I don't know shit about growing, but I'll school your ass in anything related to electronic circuitry. I don't care what all the potheads in Colorado are doing. I've been to.colorado and o honestly wasn't impressed with your overall IQ per capita. You're thebone drinking the koolaid, with all your flat earth friends wasting tons of money on DE. Just because a bunch of other cavemen told you the sun will melt you doesn't mean the rest of is living above ground are wrong, perhaps you're just progressively challenged.
Yea that is correct, since they produce more light per watt you can use less wattage to achieve the same effect, which will lower the heat load.
Your own words contradict your previous statement that type of.light does not effect heat, but that wattage does.
Here you are admitting that you know that one type Light is capable of converting more electrons into photons instead of heat vs another type. I GUARANTEE that if i run the same wattage the at the wall side by side cob vs DE the cob side will have far higher par/heat ratio vs the DE side, no question
#newbkind simmer down fella. Your opinion may be right about watts not being a measure of heat production HOWEVER when we growers use 1000watts of led or 1000 watts of hps the demands on the ac are the same.

And the rest of you go Make a fucking uv thread this thread is about cobs vs quantum boards, uv aint got nothing to do with this
#newbkind simmer down fella. Your opinion may be right about watts not being a measure of heat production HOWEVER when we growers use 1000watts of led or 1000 watts of hps the demands on the ac are the same.

And the rest of you go Make a fucking uv thread this thread is about cobs vs quantum boards, uv aint got nothing to do with this
Absolutely, 1kw draw is 1kw draw no.matyer what that draw is running, but this guy jumped on here to slam someone by asserting a terribly innacurate assumption as scientific fact and went on to insult someone who actually puts insane time and effort into this field. I deal with people like Yoda all the time. He needs to be called out with factual data so he stops filling otherwise educational threads with arguments. I've been trying my damndest to follow this forum to lead me innthe right dorection, and Yodas posts honestly just fuck up my concentration and derail.my train of thought so badly I can't make sense of a thread anymore between all his bullshit arguments with people
Folks that can't afford a $40 bulb every two grows. You stretch that turd out as far as it'll go.

First rule of the drug game, don't get high on your own supply! ;)

If you're doing it for personal consumption, you smoke entirely too much pot! ;)
When you start counting all Watts you spend on the grow including your AC - HPS GPW will not be looking good at all. Yeah, warehouses are running DE, just like some old data centers still using mainframe - it needs to be amortized.
About warehouses: I know a couple collectives that grow around hunters point in SF - they are building their own COB setups and selling their D-paps and Gavitas on the CL...
They've probably just discovered HPS and are getting over excited about last century's tech not realising we've all been using them 10/20 years and are on new stuff now.

You know, some countries around the world finally started to get an autos with automatic transmission and electrical windows - I look at HPS guys the same way - they just don't know any better. 10 years ago this was the argument in the saltwater community about growing SPS corals....
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