Well-Known Member
^ good link. fun read and helps others expand their mind.
So essentially your response is "it's far too complex for you to understand, so just take their conclusions at face value".
[/COLOR][/B]Where are these fully authenticated and documented visits of incarnate beings? I'm under the impression there has never been a single authenticated case of this paranormal activity. Every claim of one of these manifestations upon further investigation proves it either fraudulent, having some natural explanation, or is inconclusive.
The reason that they didn't include 'proof' with the article is because it's 4 pages long. I haven't read it yeat but I'm going to in peices.
I just wanted to have a conversation about it, whether you believe it or not. I think the argument that because it's posted online makes it any less valid is yeah, a little stupid. I 'm sorry. It's posted ne because if it wasn't nobody would know about it. And even if you don't agree with the whole thing, you gotta admit that it's a pretty interesting. I mean, who thought that life after death was even on the list of stuff to research lol. It's important because it fits in with current accepted physics and science. Turns out the one thing holding them back some of the laws proposed by Albert Einstein, but they cite a quote by einstien himself where he basically says the he "may have been on the wrong track after all."
I love stuff like this. Another part I found particulary interesting is the part that said that this discovery doesn't necessarily disprove the idea of an intelligent design. I'm not so blind that I believe in the judeo-christian man in the clouds, but I do belive there's something that planned all this.^ good link. fun read and helps others expand their mind.
Another British astrophysicist and sub-atomic researcher, Michael Scott, BSc, a graduate of Edinburgh University, cites Niels Bohr's "Copenhagen Interpretation of Quantum Mechanics" as seeming to actually require the existence of consciousness as a non-material extension to space-time. Scott makes the point that sub-atomic physics, as explored by him and other researchers worldwide, no longer views the building blocks of the universe as discrete particles of solid substance, but rather as vague, wavelike structures whose existence borders on the ethereal.
In one context of observation, this grid itself could be seen as the Creator-Sustainer of All Things for a number of parallel but separate universes. This premise does not, however, negate the possibility of an even higher, ultimate, Intelligence behind the grid.
"People need to be made aware that their religious faiths have a base strongly supportable by modern physics. There is no longer any reason to think of science and religion as basically incompatible."
Oh my bad. I see.Just to clarify, it's not that the article was posted online but the fact that it doesn't include any supporting documents or experiments, in link form or footnote/bibliography. If this article was not posted online and published via magazine or other outlet then not providing a bibliography or footnotes makes the article less credible than the same article with supporting evidence provided.
Is consciousness a quantum product? If so, then maybe there is some sort of afterlife.
Well, this guy says the greek had a controversy about consciousness; whether consciousness is created in the brain or if consciousness is a part of the universe and we just access it. Consciousness is one of those subjects that is of incredible interest to me because if you think about it too long, it can drive you mad. How do we truly know that we exist? That this isn't just a dream or something. Am I real because I see things? Because I can feel pain? Is an ant conscious? Is my dog conscious?Any thoughts?
Any thoughts?
Yeah man for sure.wow beanz, long readsounds coo i like to live my life with an open mind and if they find a way to prove this to me al belive but i will not change my out look on morality,