Qucik diagnose? (pics) (northern bright fem seeds) (2 1/2 weeks) (MG soil)


Well-Known Member
Curled leaves with some yellowing at leaf tips (scissored before pics) -Northern bright fem seeds, 2 1/2 weeks, MG "moisture control" soil, no nutes added, no perlite or other additives, 4" pots, 3 X 45W CFL's ---maybe didn't let my water sit long enough to dissipate chlorine, Ph on cheap "3 way" meter reads toward the high (7+) side on both water and soil, temp avg. 78, hum. 42%, well water through filters. 1st grow :leaf:

over watering? MG moisture control soil? check my damn ph? else??THANKS! seriously.. this site and your input are fukin golden


Well-Known Member
i'd need some pics to see whats up... sounds like a nute burn. but i dunno. shouldnt be the water. cause i use tap water and never have a problem. how much are u waterin?


Well-Known Member
that's embarrasing... button wants a url address - they're on my comp
Just use the attach button under the advanced section. How much perlite is in your soil? Your soil PH should be somewhat acidic, 6.5 ph. How often and what makes you think it needs watering?

MG soil has nutes that are released when you water, so if over watering you might be over nuting at the same time.


Well-Known Member
decided to flush them last night because of the curling thing, thought they might benefit so soil is super wet.. now have both exhaust and osc. fans on in hopes of drying out... watering about once every 2 days to capacity


Well-Known Member
good thx for the knowledge.. will cut back on the watering and pick up some pots for upcoming xplant - thought it might be some nute bs with MG but will rest easy


Well-Known Member
dont flush the mg soil or it will make it worse....the nutes are time releasing and with a flush you might have given the plant too much nutes....whatever you do dont feed again or it will burn the plant for sure....

get some normal soil when you re-pot so that it will have some non nutrient soil for when you want to add nutes...