Question about Aeroponic Pump Cycle


Active Member
Sorry if this is a stupid newbie question but searching around produced nothing so I have no choice but to ask...

For an Aeroponic set up, do I have to cycle my pump? I was planning to run it continously when the lights are on but didn't know if there was some sort of cycle I am to follow. Any help from experienced members would be greatly appreciated.


Well-Known Member
i don't know the answer to this, i don't do aero. but i would think that as long as the roots get oxygen, the should be fine running the pump all the time. but i would cycle it, just to be sure. also, trial and error my friend, trial and error.

Green Monk

Active Member

i'm in the process of setting up my own system also. i believe that you want to run the pump constantly or for 1 minute every 5 min. like i said i'm also new to aeroponics, and would also like to hear form an expert.



Active Member
30 seconds on, 5 minutes off. If you don't use a timer the pump will heat up the water to the point it will cook your roots. The water needs to be kept very cool. Some people even resort to water chillers.


Active Member
Thanks for the input and good thing I asked, I was going to run it continously... Trial & error is costly and time consuming, two things I would like to avoid.

White Widow Woman

Well-Known Member
Sorry if this is a stupid newbie question but searching around produced nothing so I have no choice but to ask...

For an Aeroponic set up, do I have to cycle my pump? I was planning to run it continously when the lights are on but didn't know if there was some sort of cycle I am to follow. Any help from experienced members would be greatly appreciated.

Actually, you want to let the pump stay on 24/7. I currently run a few of these systems, however I am in the process of going to Hempy Buckets; but I leave my pump on all the time.

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Well-Known Member
24/7 seems to be the norm for low pressure aero with the roots being constantly wet. Personally i think they benefit from a drying period between mistings.
You can get a rough idea of the interval range by timing how long it takes for good sized plants to start drooping a little between mistings. If you halve that time you should be fairly safe.