Question about auto-flowering plants


Well-Known Member
Hello everyone. I was looking for an auto flower thread but couldnt find one. I was just wondering if you grow a male and female auto flowering plant, will you get auto flowering seeds? PRob a dum question but i just wanted to make sure. Seeds are so expensive, i just figured if i do one round of male/female, i should get a pretty good amount of seeds, hopefully lol.


Well-Known Member
hello again. well i found somewhere that if you have two "stable" auto's than they will produce stable auto seeds. So what i think ill do is just order a 10 pack of seeds of whatever sounds best and ill go from there xD


Well-Known Member
i was thinking maybe desiel or hundu kush, but really not sure at all. Those are the 2 that seem to stand out most to me. ill try and do some research to see which ones are considered the best right now and go with that lol.

Michael Phelps

Well-Known Member
Ive heard the diesel ryder's are really good, havnt heard to much on the hindu kush's, they look pretty good though..

Good Luck