question about auto flowering strains


Active Member
im growing my first auto flowering strain some ak47 and i was wondering about how long does it take for most auto flowering strains to actually start their flowering phase? i have grown seeds on 12/12 from the start and with those i gave veg nutes until it started flowering then i switched to the flowering nutes, with auto flowering do i start off on veg nutes then switch to flowering nutes or just giving it flowering nutes from the start? its only about 2-3 weeks ago so if anyone can help that would be great thanks


Active Member
Mine started flowering at about the 3 week mark, maybe a few days after. Depends on how many days the strain is estimated to go. Mine was a 70 day auto.

Feeding may not be necessary in veg if you use pre-nuted dirt. I gave mine one veg feeding right as it started to flower, and have been feeding it flower nutes ever since.


Active Member
ok thanks man and im in a hydro setup thats why i asked, if i was in soil i wouldnt feed any nutes until it flowered like you did


Active Member
This year I'll be doing my 3rd auto grow, bought Jock Horror this time. I had Short Rider, as them they all were just shy of 3 months. The 1 thing I suggest is having a large area for the roots. My first grow came out rather small cuz of the 8'' pots I finished them in. 2nd went better using 2.5 gal buckets and more than doubled my yield.

Since you're growing hydo stick with the veg nutes for just about the 1st month.


Active Member
ight thanks, i just looked today and it looks like i can see a few hairs coming in and im in a 5 gallon hydro bucket so root space shouldnt be a problem