Question about Autos im a noobie


Well-Known Member
Im growing a Auto Diesel Ryder and its starting to preflower should i change the light regiment to 18/6 or a 20/4 rather then a 24/0 which is what it has been since seed

Indoor Sun King

Well-Known Member
you can run whatever you like with auto's...personally I run 20/4 just because I believe the plants performs better with some dark time


Well-Known Member
Most people that I know who grow autos just grow them in the veg room under 18/6 but you can use whatever photoperiod you like.


Well-Known Member
I have it at roughly 16 in. Seems fine for heat. Just not sure if I am giving enough lummens. I have the 1 400 HP's and on each side I have 2 23watt 2700k CFLs so plant is getting pretty much full coverage I think anyways

Just paranoid

Active Member
ive ran autos with every lighting times. best results i got was from 24 hour lighting but giving some dark hours wouldnt hurt it.


Active Member
I run mine 18/6 because of the light bill.BTW, you really dont need the side lighting with the 400 watt for only one plant.


Well-Known Member
Really ?, sweet i will remove those. Just figured it couldn't hurt the lower canopy. So how far should be hps be


Well-Known Member
About 12 to 18 inches. That's what i did when I grew with CFL's time wise I've grown 24/7 and 20/4 and got more bud with the 20/4 schedule. But for first 3 weeks its 24/7.

Just paranoid

Active Member
i was running cfls when i went with 24 hour light. a 400 hps doesnt need to be on all the time tho. you should get good results from 18/6