question about autos

How do you do the lights? Like, do you use veg and flower lights? Or do you just use one or the other? I know you dont change the photoperiod and am just wondering which lights to use. Thanks, -420


Well-Known Member
if you only have access to one type of light for the whole grow then use a flowering one otherwise a veg light for the first 4-6 weeks is best


Well-Known Member
I've used HSP or MH bulbs to grow autos. Important thing is to keep the lights at 20/4 or 24/0 for the duration of the grow. Remember - autos do not veg. They go straight from seedling to flowering. That's why you can run without changing the lights. Some swear that you need MH light to increase greenery during veg stage. I've done a ton of tests and there is not much difference in outcome with autos. HINT - I've had good results by putting 2 auto seedlings in the same pot and growing them that way. I seem to get more growth from both when they have a partner. BigSteve.


Well-Known Member
If you have only 1 light to grow with I would go with HPS. Im not sure how large your grow space is but there are all sorts of sizes of HPS lights from a 150watt with enclosed ballast all the way up to the big 1000watt lights. Just keep in mind the bigger the light the more heat build up you will have to deal with. If you are growing in a confined space like a tent or box then you should look into getting a vented hood for your lights. I tried to do things the cheap way first and ended up buying everything twice. Make a clear diagram of your room before set up to know what all you will need. Good Luck Dude
I am currently vegging 2 regular fems. But when I put them in the flower room, I am going to start an auto. Thats why I'm asking.