Question about buying weed

So this is my first time ever buying weed by myself and I just called my dealer he said it was gonna take a while cause they gotta bag all of it up for selling and he said he had A LOT so I was wondering does it really take that long to bag it all up he said an hour by the way


Bro he could be having sex with a bear in the woods for all you know, you run on his time, not the other way around. Why do people must insist on asking stupid irrelevant questions as such.

mr sunshine

Well-Known Member
Do you understand how retarded your question is ? How long does it take to weigh out weed and pre bag it? Who the fuck cares how long it takes........he said an hour so i guess it takes him an hour . stop bitching if you want to buy weed off him it will have to be in an hour. your question was a stupid attempt to complain about an illegal drug deal that your not happy fuck off fucker!
Do you understand how retarded your question is ? How long does it take to weigh out weed and pre bag it? Who the fuck cares how long it takes........he said an hour so i guess it takes him an hour . stop bitching if you want to buy weed off him it will have to be in an hour your question was a stupid attempt at a complaint about an illegal drug deal that your not happy fuck off fucker!
Thank you for answering my question despite the NAME CALLING


Well-Known Member
So this is my first time ever buying weed by myself and I just called my dealer he said it was gonna take a while cause they gotta bag all of it up for selling and he said he had A LOT so I was wondering does it really take that long to bag it all up he said an hour by the way
An hour?!?! That's bullshit! Tell him he's an inbred idiot and you want a discount.


Well-Known Member
I knew this girl who could bag up a key in 1.2g bags in around 10 hours. She barely needed scales.