question about cheap ways to add co2


Well-Known Member
Ok so I have been looking into getting some sort of co2 system, but it doesn't look like that's gonna happen. so I started looking for cheap ways to add co2 and came across a method that I had never heard of. They said that you get no sodium no flavor selzer water and carefully pour it into a spray bottle then spray the underside of the leaves with that once a day. Has anyone else done this? does it help at all if anyone has another way other than baking soda please let me know thanks ?


I use sugar/yeast and make a small co2 generator(diy). Out of 2liter bottles and plastic hose i got from homedepot.


Any cheap 0.38c/bottle carbonated water will work fine, you don't need to use brand shit the plants don't care. And I've done the carb. Water spray: works better than the yeast-in-a-bottle technique I would assume because the CO2 sits directly on the plant until it evaps off (ehich is quite fast obviously).

Just a pain in the ass spraying em 5 times a day.


If i sprayed my plants 35 times a week, i would be asking for mold. I have pretty high humidity where im from so sugar/yeast method works better in my situation. Plus i have my grow area closed off so i get a pretty good amount in my space. But thats me and my situation, just my 2 cents......


Well-Known Member
Haha never thought of that might look into it. And its just me so if I die whateve ha
And I do know about that sugar yeast thing I will prob just end up doing both the spray and the co2 generator


Well-Known Member
And I just found a co2 bag its 200 bucks and it says it last for one harvest I do autoflowers and then a replacement bag is 100 anyone ever use that?


Thats pretty expensive. I seen a co2 bag on amazon for like $30, it says it last 6 months. Never used it before, i just remember seeing it when i was browsing.


Well-Known Member
i have used them yeast sugar bottles yeah and there shit Co2 Heat Pump systems are heating reinvented. Co2 Heat Pump technology absorbs passive solar thermal energy (carbon dioxide) from the air and converts it to a usable power supply. Heat Pumps then work in conjunction with compatible smart water storage tanks to deliver not only potable mains hot water for domestic consumption, but also hydronic heating all from the same system.Co2 heatpumps are the worlds first energy efficient all in one hydronic heating / hot water solution. The storage tank attached to the pump runs a parallel split system which enables heating and hot water to be delivered in unison via sealed separate systems, both using the common heating source. This is revolutionary as potable water and heating systems have traditional required totally separate systems. Heat Pump systems can also be plumbed to power ancillaries such as pool and spa heating, underfloor slab heating and heated towel rails to deliver a total all in one solution.
Heat pumps are effectively a super effective ‘all electric’ system. Typically they deliver savings of up to 50% over conventional hot water systems, and when paired with a Photo Voltaic (PV) solar panel array return even greater savings. In addition existing rooftop solar hot water evacuator systems can be retro integrated as a
booster mechanism to achieve even greater savings.