question about cloning....


Active Member
so ive been growing for about 2 months now and i have a few plants in my vegg room that i want to take cuttings off of. i am also on a very strict budget atm and i am wondering what all do i need to take cuttings??? (THE CHEAPEST ROUTE) ive seen those clone machine things sell for over 100 dollars. i am not looking to spend that much. any help would be greatly appriciated....


Well-Known Member
There are lots of inexpensive can use rockwool cubes and just will just take longer than a clone machine or using root hormones....just take your cuttings put in rock wool cubes that have been soaked in ph'd in a tray or what ever you want to use put a cover on top to keep humidity in......mist frequently and that's all...


Well-Known Member

Single Cutting Cloners


I clone but don't keep a mother plant - after the first week of flower I take two clones (for safety) and keep the genetic chain going. I've got 15 strains now, cutting back on one plant per strain, the mother, really makes life easier.

I didn't want to run a bubbler for 2 clones so I picked up fruit cups from the supermarket, the kind they use for cut up strawberries. I use them as a humidity dome, the top never comes off and I never have to tend them, just pop the top when I want to transplant.

Moisten your peat pad or pro mix as normal, put in the cutting with rooting powder, leave it. I haven't touched these since February 19 (the earliest ones), no water, they're all rooting.

What I like about them best, they're idiot proof. Pick a good cutting, scarification and 45 degree angle cut, rooting powder, plant, forget about it. Biosphere Cloners.


Pro Mix


I love the Chubby Cloner


Peat Pad





Well-Known Member

You can also make a bubbler from a 3 gallon black bucket & lid, net basket and neo prene inserts, aquarium air pump, air tubing, air stones, weights or tie downs. Water and electricity. Drill and 2" hole saw. Less than $25 if you have the drill and hole saw.




Well-Known Member
sorry to jump in but i was wondering if i could take cuttings off my plant that iv just started to flower or will this slow or damage her? iv never taken cutting before so best to ask i think!


Well-Known Member

" i was wondering if i could take cuttings off my plant that iv just started to flower or will this slow or damage her?"

The plant will be fine if you take a few cuttings in early flower.


This is the shit I've been tryin to look for...this is the best idea yet...I've been thinking of a way to clone using air pump and stone and I've been constantly tryin to think of different ways and methods of how to setup...this is the best Idea yet....Thanks. Chancyman


Well-Known Member

If you make a bucket bubbler (I like the 3 gallon) you can get one center hole (2") and 9 around in a circle, more if have a flat lid so you off set them.

For the air stones I like to use a gang valve with a one air line in and 3 out to the small air stones; 2 sets of these for 6 stones. If you get something circular that will stay on the bottom you can tie the 6 air stones in a circle and the bubbles will make a curtain up into the circle of cuttings. The mechanical action of the bubbles and all the oxygen is suppose to speed rooting, though I've never read a botany paper on the subject.

