Question about cloning


Well-Known Member
If I have one grow tent, and I grow 3 plants from seed and then take cuttings for clones at 4 weeks, will the plants from seed and the clones all be ready at the same time?


Well-Known Member
the plants from clone will need 1 to 4 weeks to grow roots

then yeah if you flip them they should all sex up around the same kinda time and finish around the same kinda time

normally people use a 2nd tent to root and veg the cuttings in so they can flower off the bigger plants take cuttings off the ones in veg and move the older plants over to the flowering room when the ones flowering are done

that way you can crop every 6 to 10 weeks instead of using up your flowering area to grow up some babies

Skunk Baxter

Well-Known Member
If the plants are all in veg when you take your cuts, and you give the clones time to root, and then flip them all to 12/12 at the same time, yeah. They should all flower at the same time.