Question about distilled water, ppm, ph, cal-mag, rez swap.. HELP!


Well-Known Member
hey ive tried hydro dwc a few times. botanicare pure blend or whatever. i used distilled water with the calmag added. never used a ph or ppm meter. BUT i was only using 3 gallon buckets and changing the res every week. everything ran smoothly. it can be done. but your res sounds fucking huge.


New Member
Hi man, long way away; California. I got here through the UK seedbank 'Herbies'.
I'm right with you on the 'Snake oil' front. When I started I was all for it, but then I didn't know a) what was in most of the products, and b) just how badly most of them affected quality.
Today I buy raw MPK, Epsom Salts, Di-potassium Phosphate (some say the PK ratio is better) molasses, seaweed and fish emulsion. I make Calcium Nitrate from Calcium Hydroxide and Nitric Acid. Then for treats and instead of the 'specialist' products I use some really nice regular gardening products which I think are UK made and so probably/certainly not worth shipping. However the principle stands; Compost 'Accelerators' or 'Makers' are often far better made than the stuff they sell to stone-heads. I won't bore you with the product names seeing as they've no relevance to you.
The reason I'm on here, on your 'thread'- I believe it is called is because you are apparently about as high up this organisation as it gets- and that is where I want my issue addressing.
I don't do much of this; in fact it so happens I've not made a single successful post which is frustrating when you've made as much effort as I have.
I've registered, four or five times, I've made lengthy and (as far as I could make them) informative and erudite posts. I don't really understand how/who/where/why these posts get made. I don't know what the etiquette is, I'm thirty nine years old and I didn't even own a computer or first go on the internet until I was thirty two, so you will have to forgive my naivete- it is not due to my raging hormones and sweating palms, just a simple late starter.
Now, since I first registered here I have been blocked, cut off, de-registered, I don't know what you call it. This wouldn't phase me if I was given some explanation but bizarrely I have not been. I say bizarrely because in any other walk of life a civilised reaction is traditionally accompanied by an explanation.
So, I re-registered, tried posting in different places or starting new threads -was it here I was told I couldn't start new threads unless I spent several idle hours spelling out and arguing simple subjects to, baseball cap wearing, gang-sign throwing, semi-literate, 'Smilie-face' icon using, auto-eroticists. It may have been another site, they're all the same to me at this early stage.
Time and again I thought I'd sussed it and re-registered until I wasn't even allowed to do that.

Originally Posted by BigBuddahCheese
Sure thing... I will bye. Delete my account.

Did that guy just GTFO? Haha... I didnt think that was that horsh lol, couple of drops of the rhino skin in the coffee in the p.m. Maybe?"

This guy, who's clearly become as sick of this site as I have become has at least been given the courtesy of some sort of response. I was not apparently even worth that.
It is a shame as I feel I have much to offer. I may not grow huge quantities but there will be few people who grow as much, high quality, as cheaply as I do- who knows the secrets of many of the products and has a pretty complete range of PGR's, hormones and choice alternatives. I love talking about it but have had the sense to keep my mouth shut and just read until, well pretty recently I realised I was answering more questions than I was asking of my friends. Consequently I now have something to give back.....and you basically slam the door in my face, (not YOU personally, I'm sure).
Please pass this to whomever is responsible, I shan't make the effort again.
Tell them they're cunts, in fact no; cunts are useful, whoever is responsible for this is a useless cretin. I would gladly now spend every wasted minute that I've spent on this site, feeding the inconsequential scroat his(or her) own genitals.
Hope you die soon.


New Member
Un-fucking-believable, Finally I get to post!!!! Too little too late I'm afraid. Keep your daft site; I have FAR more to give, than I need to take so, close my account or whatever you call this rubbish and FOAD. Rollitup are a bunch of witless tossers.