Question about fish emulsion


I know that you are not supposed to feed plants any nutrients and flush with plain water for the last 2 weeks of flowering.

Is this specific to commercial chemical fertilizers?

Was wondering if keeping on a light fish emulsion(2-4oz per gallon every other watering) until right before harvest will affect taste and so forth.

Any thoughts?


Well-Known Member
If everythings looking good and you don't have nute lockout. I say feed the plant all it needs until chop time...


Active Member
With organics you can feed till chop imo without any bad taste or anything since its organic its more like what it would intake naturally. The chemicals are the reason to need a flush to help taste imo


Well-Known Member
With organics you can feed till chop imo without any bad taste or anything since its organic its more like what it would intake naturally. The chemicals are the reason to need a flush to help taste imo
Good point... Yes feed it what it needs organically until chop time...

Flush out chemicals for sure...

Fish emulsion should be fine until harvest...


Wow! That was quick.

Soo glad to hear it. My baby was looking a little down until I introduced the emulsion.
Now it's recovering nicely. Don't want to interrupt the recovery...especially during flower.

I'm also alternating tiger bloom and snow storm. I'll cut those soon and keep on truckin with the emulsion till chop time.

Thanks again


Well-Known Member
I feed mine tiger bloom all the way till chop time but I only use that for flowering! Its one of those thing you have to find out for yourself.


Active Member
Tiger bloom till finish here as well also love cha ching, my fish shit is 5-1-1 you shouldn't need all the nitrogen in flower especially that late or is your emoltions diff npk?


Yeah I lean towards tiger bloom for size but get crazy trics from snow storm.(pics)

I've noticed that tiger has little to no smell while snow storm almost smells like rubbing alcohol or some type of industrial cleaner.
Thats why I alternate them.(one feed tiger, one feed snow, one feed tiger etc)

Just hit week 6 of flowering. Think I'm going to go another 1-2weeks with the heavy chems and then stick with emulsion for the final flush.

What do you guys think?



Not sure on the exact npk of my emulsion. Thats why I water it waaay down.

Get it for free by the gallon from a friends local tilapia farm.


Active Member
The look good man but I must ask you have a black guy in your avatar and that sure looked like a white guys hand in that last pic hummm.