Question About Flushing Before Harvest

So i've read about flushing and my first batch i grew i didnt flush and it tasted like crap, so i want to make sure i do it right this time. I think i read enough on how much water to use and when to do it, but here's my question.

How do you tell you are about 2 weeks from harvest? like what about the plant would tell you that, the trichs? the size? i dont wanna flush to late and have it taste like shit again. Any help would be very useful. Thanks.


Well-Known Member
ugh depending on the strain i usually start like 6 1/2 weeks..again depends on the what you got growing after growing it a few times youll get a hang of it..

basically i flush the last week and half..just plain water water water...(just so there is still some nutes in the soil..) then last week flush the shit out it ...and then last few days just dry the soil out..

other do it the exact opposite 3x the amount of pot you have 5gal is 15gal of water..and then just water regularly.. i like to keep the nutes as long as possible.
Well I've Been Told to flush with 3 Times the Volume of the pot it's in... so 1 gal pot - 3 gal water, Which seems a little Excessive, and I Don't think it's any kind of exact science, so I'd Say atleast double the volume. Straight Water or Water Mixed with a Flushing Solution at the start of your flush, Then just water regularly till you harvest but Try and let it the soil dry a bit before you Chop em down...

Now as Far as When to start, It depends on a few Things, Each Strains Varying Flowering time, What You prefer in your High, Harvesting Earlier When Hairs are Cloudy White, Is Supposed to be At It's Highest THC Concentration (The More Cerebral High), From then On It as it Turns Amber it Degrades into CBG,CBD, and CBC (The More Body Stone) But then again 2 weeks is along time to guess how your plant is gonna ripen if your new to the strain.

If You Knew What Strain it was It would Definitely help us figure out a good time to start flushing .


Well-Known Member
So i've read about flushing and my first batch i grew i didnt flush and it tasted like crap, so i want to make sure i do it right this time. I think i read enough on how much water to use and when to do it, but here's my question.

How do you tell you are about 2 weeks from harvest? like what about the plant would tell you that, the trichs? the size? i dont wanna flush to late and have it taste like shit again. Any help would be very useful. Thanks.
I use to flush with just phed water now i have switched to FloraFlush and add that to my water when i the other guy said 3 parts water for everygallon is a bet much i do double the pot amount and that seems to work good for me....

To see if your plants are getting close first look at the hairs once they start turing from green to darker colors you are getting close this point i use a 30x power maginfine glass to look at the trichomes.....If you look at the trichoms and all the trichomes are clear than its too early to harvest...If you see cloudy ones and clear ones its almost ready to harvest.....when you see no more clear trichomes and only cloudy and amber then you are where most would harvest.......

Some prefer more cloudy and less amber some prefer more amber and some prefer no amber at all so its up to you.......

Me personaly i harvest when i have about 20% amber trichomes and the rest cloudy...


Well-Known Member
there is some great advice in here.

as far as how to know when you are two weeks away....this is somewhat acquired over time and strain dependent.

one trick i have is to watch for the 'final swell'. it seems to me that there is about a two or three week period of noticeable swell, and then it stops swelling and starts ripening. once i see it switch from swell to ripen, i give it 5-10 more days before i do any flushing. i may also flush again a day or two before harvest depending on how it looks. i flush late, first flush is usually only 6-8 days ahead of harvest.

don't worry too much about the taste, as long as you flush at least once and at least a few days before harvest and use enough water (at least 2x, more depending on urgency of flush) it should turn out fine. good luck!
If You Knew What Strain it was It would Definitely help us figure out a good time to start flushing .[/QUOTE]

I'm not sure exactly what strain it is, but i do know it is a full on sativa, no hybrid.
there is some great advice in here.

as far as how to know when you are two weeks away....this is somewhat acquired over time and strain dependent.

one trick i have is to watch for the 'final swell'. it seems to me that there is about a two or three week period of noticeable swell, and then it stops swelling and starts ripening. once i see it switch from swell to ripen, i give it 5-10 more days before i do any flushing. i may also flush again a day or two before harvest depending on how it looks. i flush late, first flush is usually only 6-8 days ahead of harvest.

don't worry too much about the taste, as long as you flush at least once and at least a few days before harvest and use enough water (at least 2x, more depending on urgency of flush) it should turn out fine. good luck!
Thanks! i guess my question now is how to you notice the switch from swell to ripen?


Well-Known Member
Thanks! i guess my question now is how to you notice the switch from swell to ripen?
well all that stuff you will learn.....but like the uncle buck will see a surge in growth on the buds then it will level out...once it levels out you can start checking the trichomes to see if its getting close to where you would like it to be......when i flower i see two surges...I see the first big surge in bud growth then it level off for a lil then i see another spurt of growth but not as big and then it levels off for me and then i start checking the trichomes .....once all the hairs are turned dark and the buds dont look like they are growing thats usually i dont just go off that i go off that plus the trichomes plus what the recommed flower time is i use all the info put it together to tell ., not jus trichomes not just hairs not just one anyting its a hole you look at the hole grow from strart to finish everything........then you base you deciesion off that.....once you do a few cycles it will seem like no biggy when you harvest....