Question about Flying with MMJ


Active Member
If Oakland truly allows it, than why not keep it on the plane as a carry on bag. It will be scanned at Oakland security, but once your through that scan you won't see another one even at your destination.

The only problem i see is if its not a straight flight, then yes it will be scanned at security at the other airports


Well-Known Member
LMAFO.......thats halirious i love it....thats what i was thinking...i wont fly with it as i said earlier in this tread the air/ariports/mail ect are all federal and the feds say no mmj period so i wouldnt risk it
and THERE is the problem Downey! One of those whole "grey area" things. Until other airports ALSO recognize MMJ, it's kind of a moot point. I have always wrapped my stash up VERY tight, then wrapped my MMJ permit around the stash, THEN put on some tighty whities and CROTCHED it. (It's part of my balls, it's part of balls, it's part of my balls over oand over in my brain). Never had a problem. LAST time I flew they have introduced the x ray scanners and are allowed to "grab your junk". Not really sure what Im gonna do now.


Active Member
I flew out of phx to co and back with hard candy covered in powdered sugar in a ziploc bag with no problem. I know its just edibles, but i ate it on the plane both ways with no problem