Question about Growing Seedlings Outdoors?


I have 3 plants (purp) and they've been growing outdoors since they sprouted on 4/20 and the lil one on 5/1. When will I know if my plants are flowering or if they're still in the vegetative stage? Thanks for the help, Peace...

The purps are growing in Fox Farm Ocean Forest + Scotts Perlite.



Active Member
if they are going to stay outside full term of the grow, they will flower when the days get shorter by themselves. you'll notice the change.
yea unfortunately we outdoor dudes and dudettes have to wait a while longer to enjoy the fruits of our labor, just remember patience is a virtue. They are lookn nice btw. I only got one goin atm with a few sprouts tryn to do their thing. Just keep em safe from the little nasties that love to eat them and the squirrels that will dig in ur pots causing major root tramma in some cases. In my experience so far squirrels have been the main reason ive lost some of my ladies because they are curious little shits that are just lookn for nuts and places to bury them. Keepem close to the house and all should be well :) May 28 my baby at 1 month 8).png Shes a month old aswell, about the same age as ur little one there and yes thats a baby in the DONT ask im just tryn an experiment! lmao