Question about H2O2 & GH Nutes


I am using General Hydroponics FloraGro & FloraMicro for my DWC. Whenever I add some H2O2 to the reservoir (29% @ 4tsp/6gal.) it turns my water from a dark orange to milky gray by the next day. Could someone tell me if this is normal or if the H2O2 is degrading my nutes? I do not have an EC/TDS meter yet so I have no way of checking the ppm.

Thanks for any help.

Power Towel

I am using General Hydroponics FloraGro & FloraMicro for my DWC. Whenever I add some H2O2 to the reservoir (29% @ 4tsp/6gal.) it turns my water from a dark orange to milky gray by the next day. Could someone tell me if this is normal or if the H2O2 is degrading my nutes? I do not have an EC/TDS meter yet so I have no way of checking the ppm.

Thanks for any help.
4 tsp/ 6 gal at 29%???? Uh, maybe I'm way off here, but I think the daily dose of 30% H2O2 for 6 gallons is 1/2 a teaspoon. At least that's what I've been using. It has ZERO visible effect on the plants. I would stop immediately and re-check what everyone says for dosage if I were you.

Did you mean 2.9% instead of 29%?


Well-Known Member
He meant 29%. You can find up to 35% strength some places, 29% is the generally found in the H2O2 blue jug at hydro stores.

For a 6 gallon reservoir, you want to put in 24ml every 3 days-ish (That's 5 teaspoons). (I do mine twice weekly). So, your usage is great, you actually can increase it double or triple and it wont hurt a thing.

The PPM doesnt matter with H2O2, it doesnt seem to increase it whatsoever nor does it alter pH.

Since H2O2 does suppress algae, eat up dead material, etc...., your probably just seeing the system clean itself.

It should go away in about two weeks at best, if it doesnt, there's something else up that has me stumped.

Overall, you arent hurting a thing with your H2O2, it isnt reactive with your nutrients, and you have the proper system for it. My suggestion: Wait and see.

Power Towel

Really? I'm using 35% (just checked) and do 1/2 teaspoon daily for 6 gallons- which when I did the calcs was 'slightly' low I thought but still close. Maybe I'm not using enough...


I was correct in stating 29%. After waiting a couple of days it seems that the H2O2 isn't harming anything because I'm not seeing any symptoms of nute def. in the plants. Thanks for the help peoples.


Well-Known Member
He meant 29%. You can find up to 35% strength some places, 29% is the generally found in the H2O2 blue jug at hydro stores.

For a 6 gallon reservoir, you want to put in 24ml every 3 days-ish (That's 5 teaspoons). (I do mine twice weekly). So, your usage is great, you actually can increase it double or triple and it wont hurt a thing.

The PPM doesnt matter with H2O2, it doesnt seem to increase it whatsoever nor does it alter pH.

Since H2O2 does suppress algae, eat up dead material, etc...., your probably just seeing the system clean itself.

It should go away in about two weeks at best, if it doesnt, there's something else up that has me stumped.

Overall, you arent hurting a thing with your H2O2, it isnt reactive with your nutrients, and you have the proper system for it. My suggestion: Wait and see.
Are you still using this?