Question about HPS lights


Well-Known Member
hehe. Hey, i never set those prices. The problem is, its those organized crime that flogs out 50LB every two weeks. I had a neighbor that had one of those set up, but their genset caught fire and now the place is for sale by owner! lol.


New Member
well thats fucked up both ways lol

hehe. Hey, i never set those prices. The problem is, its those organized crime that flogs out 50LB every two weeks. I had a neighbor that had one of those set up, but their genset caught fire and now the place is for sale by owner! lol.


Well-Known Member
I hear yea. prob is up were I live its the hub for all of canada so SOO much pot goes into this town that its very hard to make any money or sales, that why yuor stuff has to be good and presentable. If u want to make any money u have to have it moved up north or into Vancouver or up to Ketchican, Alaska or Heidea Alaska. Or the Yukon or North West Territories in Canada. Indoor pot was an average here of 2000-2400 a LB now its 17-19 for a LB of indoor. Fuck, two years ago I sold my outdoor for 1400LB and it was up scaled to 1700 for an LB. But again, this city i live is the centeral hub, that thats no joke, its in all states and crime reports, in Mccleans msg and the news in general. U gotta love the SFU states too.
Damn the price is hella high just across the border. Its 3400 avg per elbow for mids. 280 all day an oz. Maybe if the tech on the border wasnt so crazy we could make some money. But I have a camera tower on the border of Abotsford thats staring right at my house. I heard it has infrared too.

I hear the price is even worse in central/northern California. The price went from 60 an 1/8th inner city to 40. 30 if you know someone. I get calls asking for 1800 per lb of kush outdoor in chico and around 2 in Modesto/Sacremento