Question about internodes and bud size


Well-Known Member
My honey pictured here will be 3 weeks into flowering tomorrow. I'm very happy with how she is doing, but I was wondering if some one could tell me if the spaces in between the nodes will fill in as the buds swell or not. I put arrows on the pic to show where I'm talking about. This plant lost its main cola one week into flowering but seems to be doing great. I see changes daily. Just a bit nervous about my yield.



Active Member
I dought it very much! It looks like a health plant but there to streched out to connect...what kind of lights are u using and how close are they?


Well-Known Member
Only 3 weeks in, if you have a 1000w lamp on that they should fill the top half of the plant as nug sticks. The lower half of the plant can be harvested a few days after the top to allow it to bud out a little more as well. You'll love week 5 & 6.


Well-Known Member
I have another plant growing in the same grow box but I am running 7100 lumens for each plant or 212 watts for both, and I have side lighting going and can add two more bulbs if I need to. So, can I expect these bud sites to get bigger by a lot or a little. They should at least double if they are only just about half way through flowering shouldn't they? Can you guesstimate what I'm looking at approximately. An ounce, two ounces.


Active Member
the two extra lights wouldn't hurt at all, and would increase your yield. as for a guess, I have no idea. But good luck


Well-Known Member
Put in two extra 40 watters so I have like 280 watts going. Since I last posted the pic of the plant I have noticed it has swelled a bit and I can see resin starting to form on the buds and leaves surrounding them. Does this mean it is getting near the end of flowering, because I believe it should have a couple of more weeks to go.


Well-Known Member
I don't know if it's the extra light, the miracle-gro bloom booster, the molasses, or a combination, but holy shit the buds are double the size of what they look like in the picture and the resin is almost completely coating the small leaves running from the buds. They are only just starting week 4!


Well-Known Member
Here are the new pics as requested. I've noticed she has stopped growing as far as getting taller or bushier but the buds are getting bigger and much more resinous. Smells great.



Well-Known Member
From the looks of your pictures, i'd say your plants are growing at
a normal pace.
The first few weeks the flowers look more like daisies than buds, and as you can see,
they start to fill in after that.
How full and dense is a matter of lighting.


Well-Known Member
I am currently under the influence of a sample of this wonderful herb. 3 weeks to go according to the strain reports, but I can't imagine it getting better than it is! I'm completely wasted. Bliss. Ensues.