Question about lighting and plants distance


Active Member
hey everyone, im new tot his site. this is my first time growing. i tried last year, but the only seed that sprouted was killed by spider mites >.<

so now im at it again.

im growin currently 2 plants in my brother room behind his dresser. im using a basic light bulb (getting a florescent bulb very soon) and soil from the local garden store. the plants are about 2-3 inches tall, and have four leaves on the top. the rest is all stem. my main question is, how long before smaller stems start to branch out from the plant? or more foliage?

also, the plants are pretty close together, i would say around a 1 - 1.5 inches apart. does this pose a threat to the plants (roots tangle, one kills the other)?

also, i have them on a 15 hour light, 9 hour dark scedual... will they still grow?

and, last of all, the lighting is never exactly 15/9. on weekends i tend to give them 18 hours of light/6 dark. is it okay to switch back and forth between the 15/9 and 18/6?


New Member
i think you should do some more reserch b4 gettin to deep into your grow i see way to many problems that are gonna happen hit the faq sheets


Well-Known Member
my main question is, how long before smaller stems start to branch out from the plant? or more foliage?
Once you get a light that the plants can use. The incandescent light you're using now offers very little usable light to your plant. If anything it will encourage stem growth instead of foliage growth.

also, the plants are pretty close together, i would say around a 1 - 1.5 inches apart. does this pose a threat to the plants (roots tangle, one kills the other)?
Are they in the same pot? If so then yes, one will probably kill the other.

also, i have them on a 15 hour light, 9 hour dark scedual... will they still grow?
Yup, while I would recommend 18/6, 15/9 will still induce vegetative growth.

and, last of all, the lighting is never exactly 15/9. on weekends i tend to give them 18 hours of light/6 dark. is it okay to switch back and forth between the 15/9 and 18/6?
Try to give them the same amount of light every day. Whether it's 15/9 or 18/6, be consistant. Varying your plants' lighting each day only stresses them. I'd consider buying a cheap ($10) digital timer from Home Depot.

Good luck.


Active Member
azgrow, your right, i have a lot more to read up on, and pseudonym, thanks! i intend on getting a timer. the main reason its really not on as much is because i dont like to leave it on during the day. i turn the light on at 4pm and off at 7am, because dsurint the day the light in the corner of the room would be a bit sketchy... most of my friends come here, and asides skool, im home, so the lights not a problem. as for the seeds, yes, theyre both in the same container. im thinking of taking which ever looks less healthy, and moving it into the other side of the container, at least for now. i intend on puttin them both outside soon as i know theyre strong enough to live. until then, i should be getting a floursecent bulb around wednesday. the main reason im actually growing is becasue i didnt do the reading until the seeds were already germanated, and i DONT intend on letting them die (most weed around heres picked clean of seeds before i get it)

thanks guys!


Active Member
ahh! i also ment to ask. the two seeds are sharing a 2 liter soda bottle, so if i split them both up, what size container would you recommend for each??


Active Member
ok, and do you think a normal florscent (tube) light would work for both of them if put above both of them? and i also heard epsom salt helps them grow or what ever, im not sure if its ment for normal soil growing like im doing or something else. since i just divided the two plants a few minutes ago, im gona give them some time to recover, or at least become less stressed before i move them again. i saw the roots, and there still very small, so ill probably divide the two when i get the flourescent light and more soil.

haha now that im actually growing its startin to get tough ahah i wanna get the plants to about 2 feet before i harvest them (im not looking for a TON of buds, but enough to hold me over for a while, and of course a little bit to sell. and when ur parents know u smoke, only makes it harder ahah smallest suspision and BOOM no more plants -_-


New Member
honeslty buddy if your livin with your parents and are under 18 you wont be albe to grow any weed worth keepin.... if this doesn't aply to you go to newb central forem an look at my specks for my grow opp if you change the light from a 1000 to a 400 or 600 you can run a more inclosed system